#stream 2022-12-16

2022-12-16 UTC
dries has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
↩️ Yes, let's make this a thread. Follow everybody back. http://www.uvabe.com/p/social.html The social networking page on my blog. Also, the linktree on my profile is up to date. @Uva_Be@indieweb.social
[indieweb.social/@jameskoole] @viticci No better way forward. Kudos to you for taking the steps to make it happen. Long live the #indieweb. (https://indieweb.social/@jameskoole/109520956605857974)
[mastodon.social/@IronWynch] My main culture/art/history/general shishi stuff site feed @webmatron is also now on Mastodon. I think I'm getting the hang of this. :-) The main problem seems to have been my theme, Nirvana. For some reason it didn't play well with IndieWeb. #indieweb #activitypub (https://mastodon.social/@IronWynch/109520907000917408)
[gregorlove.com] If you aggregated some RSS feeds and piped the result into a Mastodon account, would that be the United Federation of Planets? (https://gregorlove.com/2022/12/if-you-aggregated/)
[gregorlove.com] It was the microformats2 feed on your homepage. It still showed content, but it's formatted a bit weird, showing multiple notes in one "post". Try it in the Monocle preview: https://monocle.p3k.io/preview?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcolinwalker.blog%2F... (https://gregorlove.com/2022/12/it-was-the-microformats2/)
Bummed that organizations/people/competitors the owner does not like are being banned. My Mastodon account is @scotjustice@indieweb.social
[indieweb.social/@techlifeweb] Learning #11ty for static site building #indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@techlifeweb/109521075407344335)
For my very small follower contingent: @inuwali@indieweb.social
[jgarber] joined the channel
If any of my Twitter friends are testing the Mastodon waters or migrating over, (I'm not planning on leaving Twitter at the moment) you can follow me at: @jvmdesign@indieweb.social
↩️ This day and age it’s the only way to go. Props to @indiewebcamp for helping folks do that.
[twit.social/@chrisshaw] @chrisaldrich @leo yes, that would be interesting to expand upon. #indieweb seems protocol driven whereas #fediverse is people driven.Over time, the people of the fediverse will require richer protocols, and no doubt some of the indieweb ideas will form the basis of those.But as... (https://twit.social/@chrisshaw/109521729362323949)
Come on over and visit: @alfredo@indieweb.social
[margio.de/@andrea] Is this the night of broken glass on Twitter? Links to mastodon.social, indieweb and hachydem have apparently been banned. Someone else’s?/sarcasm ON It's a clear move to promote free speech, I guess. #twitter #hackyderm #indieweb #mastodon (https://margio.de/@andrea/109521754491794240)
[benatwork]1, [timothy_chambe] and [jgarber] joined the channel
This is not my Mastodon profile https://indieweb. social/@skataben
↩️ Bijkomend leuks: op een soort guerilla manier links naar mastodon typen zoals je links in YouTube comments deelt, bijvoorbeeld @ ikbensiep @ indieweb . social
Voor de twijfelaars: Via @frank@indieweb.social - Hier is de gids Hoe Begin je op Mastodon. Die helpt je met tips… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1603649956279160832
[mastodon.social/@HongPong] i really cannot find a good link about indieweb spoke and hub right now .. re having multiple accounts vs a central spot & repeaters #indieweb #indymedia (https://mastodon.social/@HongPong/109522189580601719)
[jamietanna] joined the channel
↩️ You can follow me on Mastodon - @lonseidman@indieweb.social - but the best way to follow me is with an RSS reader! http://lon.tv/rss
tiim, barnaby and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[fosstodon.org/@kandr3s] ✍🏽 Wrote a blog post on how I use #GoBlog to power my online identity and interact with people on the #IndieWeb https://kandr3s.co/post/go-indieweb-goblog (https://fosstodon.org/@kandr3s/109523069989680496)
[peoplemaking.games/@stevepdp] Content warning: Twitter on banning Fediverse links...and if you try putting a #Ferdiverse link in your profile, it's flagged as malware.Who knows what that might be doing to your ability to show up in timelines...Enough with the back and forth. I'm leaving the colosseum for... (https://peoplemaking.games/@stevepdp/109523012221869863)
[Michelle_Moore] joined the channel
I simplified comments form on my personal website. I removed Twitter field. I don't care anymore! URL to your website is the one I care about the most. There is no platform that can beat your personal website! #indieweb
https://mastoredirect.netlify.app/indieweb.social A server focused on the open and indie web, humane tech and calm technologies evolution
[tucows.social/@hover] Wow. Our friends over at @macstories have stood up their own Mastodon instance. Kudos to the whole team over there. We're big fans of this, obviously. Long live the #indieweb! (https://tucows.social/@hover/109523727740510135)
My assassination coordinates are @gambl0r@indieweb.social
The link to our new #Mastodon account is getting flagged by Twitter as potentially spammy. We promise, potentially furry, maybe, we our rescue dogs in need of homes are 100% spam-free. Find us there at INDIEWEB DOT SOCIAL @ ADOPTIONSHOP
↩️ How's that work with the different names then? You've got indieweb(dot)social for example. I've seen other <prefix>.social's as well. Are those not supposed to silo people into interests? Also apparently you can't even post that link anymore geez.
↩️ Yo estoy en ruby-social <3 Otras interesantes son hachyderm-io y indieweb-social (Tuve que cambiar los puntos por guiones!)
↩️ Just use indieweb. social
↩️ I'm on Mastadon at @bobmonsour@indieweb.social
I'm @grahamsz@indieweb.social if anyone wonders where I've gone (not that anyone really would)
[social.sdf.org/@mjgardner] @viticci @Gargron @macstories To be fair this was the #IndieWeb approach before #Mastodon… and a whole lot of others’ approaches before that https://indieweb.org (https://social.sdf.org/@mjgardner/109524416908156360)
Joining the @FrontendHorse crew for their holiday stream to talk about the IndieWeb and WebMentions in ~30 mins Lots of great folks in the lineup! Come watch and help raise funds for Doctors Without Borders.
gRegor joined the channel
Heard a rumor that Twitter is not banning links to Tumblr too. Let's see: https://www.tumblr.com/davidaugust cc @tchambers@indieweb.social @shawnhooper@fosstodon.org @tumblr
[cleverdevil.club/@jonathan] The open web is showing its resiliency and longevity. Silos inevitably fail, while protocols and standards endure. #IndieWeb #Fediverse (https://cleverdevil.club/@jonathan/109524741840405435)
[cleverdevil.io/profile/cleverdevil] The open web is showing its resiliency and longevity. Silos inevitably fail, while protocols and standards endure. #IndieWeb #Fediverse (https://cleverdevil.io/2022/the-open-web-is-showing-its-resiliency)
I am a true "till the ship goes down" guy but I can also be found... website: http://thefloatingcontinent.com instagram: alexwpetros tiktok: goodtoksalex federated microblogging: alexpetros [at] indieweb [dot] social (h/t to @Chronotope for the recommendation)
If you are looking for some place new to follow Clay Brick Entertainment you can do so here: @robisnowtired@indieweb.social
[indieweb.social/@rcade] If you're part of the new wave joining Mastodon today, welcome! Post an #introduction and let people know if you find anything here boggling of mind. #IndieWeb (https://indieweb.social/@rcade/109525006057866635)
if anyone wants to toot with me i'm @elijah@indieweb.social on mastodon
Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot. @jeffmarshall@indieweb.social We can't complete this request because this link has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially harmful. Visit our Help Center to learn more.
[fosstodon.org/@lucasdicioccio] Kitchen-Sink now has support for: - raw `json`, `csv`, and `dhall` files that get copied straight to the /raw directory - archived articles, which are still up with a small warning and don't show up in all listings (like upcoming articles)#opensource #indieweb #staticsites (https://fosstodon.org/@lucasdicioccio/109525040141382742)
↩️ Can confirm that all Mastodon links are blocked. To share Mastodon info, don't use the full link (ex: @jvmdesign@indieweb.social). I added myself on the wait list for post (you are currently #71515 ... yikes).
^ wait does that mean that @-@ names are NOT blocked on Twitter?
yes, because they're using the malware blocking link censorship mechanism
[@molly0xFFF] maybe twitter's URL censoring is so easily circumvented because all the software engineers still there are desperately trying to keep their lines of code metrics as high as possible https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FkIDHxbXEAM3I-I.jpg
[norden.social/@hmans] I've started reading up on #ActivityPub. So far I had been assuming that the "@user@host" scheme was baked into the protocol, but apparently it isn't, and it's perfectly capable of integrating user-less domains into the Fediverse.Have I misread it? (I admit I only did surface... (https://norden.social/@hmans/109525578900453523)
If you are looking for a server to sign up on, @tchambers’ indieweb dot social is a good one. Don’t worry about anything else, just find your twitter folks via other tools and you’re set. Doesn’t matter which server. Post is for the influencers. It’s not interactive.
This place is for the birds. You can find me on #Mastodon, @tedcurran@indieweb.social Really, it's better over there.
I guess this is the sort of town square where there are people in the stocks for saying mean things about the king. I am now t00ting when I can, @casey@indieweb.social Will leave this up until the new year and then be gone forever.
[aaronparecki.com] Testing the ability to post to my website without sending every post out to my Mastodon followers. If you can see this post, you're either following my website directly, or I broke something. (https://aaronparecki.com/2022/12/16/26/)