#stream 2022-12-26

2022-12-26 UTC
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[social.sdf.org/@mjgardner] @the_Effekt @nova Mind you, the same policy gave them the right to make copies of your work when you posted it without guaranteeing they would maintain your access to it. If you want to keep your work, keeping backups is officially Your Problem. That’s why so many self-host and... (https://social.sdf.org/@mjgardner/109577749440503940)
tiim and barnaby joined the channel
[hachyderm.io/@sentience] Chipping away at setting up an instance of @paulrobertlloyd's #indiekit to publish to my website, and from there to Mastodon. This is the first time I'm going to be writing a Dockerfile (or two) from scratch. Long overdue! #POSSE #indieweb (https://hachyderm.io/@sentience/109579897323449676)
[jamietanna] joined the channel
What I love most about <the mammoth network> is not being subjected to an ad for some worthless, low-effort mobile game every 4 posts. Instead I just pay my instance's admin a couple bucks through Patreon. I'm on indieweb dot social by the way. Same username.
aaronpk joined the channel
Lol yeah what is it with all the game ads lately? Both Twitter & IG are drowning in them
Yesterday almost 70 people downloaded the Robert Zubrin episode of #SeldonCrisis and a dozen or so went back to the beginning and started from the first episode. The #Zubrin effect! #Asimov #Foundation #NASA #Mars #Panspermia #Psychohistory #HariSeldon … https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109581006476926937
[mstdn.social/@rmdes] @acm_redfox agree and that's where the whole #fediverse potential bridge with #indieweb movement and blog revival, combined, it can reshape the way we use the web (less platforms, more user sovereignty) I love these ideas! I'd say do it!! (https://mstdn.social/@rmdes/109580848887611737)
j12t joined the channel
[manton.org] We released a new version of Epilogue for both iOS and Android. I’m finally getting these platforms in sync. I think our bet on React Native is paying off.... (https://www.manton.org/2022/12/26/epilogue.html)
Elon #Musk is righteously despised for what he's done at Twitter and was already demonstrating some awful judgement in geopolitical areas beforehand - especially with regard to the war in #Ukraine. That said, however, he could still… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109581133752312862
[plush.city/@fluffy] General Articles: What is the IndieWeb? https://beesbuzz.biz/articles/11127-What-is-the-IndieWeb #SocialNetworking #GeneralArticles #SocialMedia #Indieweb (https://plush.city/@fluffy/109581285587798116)
[chaos.social/@elusive_t] That time of the year when I am trying to remember how my site works so I could tinker with it.#website #indieweb #holidays #eleventy (https://chaos.social/@elusive_t/109581268307126668)
[mastodon.sdf.org/@jbrr] I’m starting to come around to the idea of #micropub and #indieweb in general, but discovery is so hard. Also, the prerequisite amount of technical knowledge required is sooooo high. People think Mastodon is too technical for goodness sake. That kind of built in gatekeeping... (https://mastodon.sdf.org/@jbrr/109581074431552291)
[ggirelli] and tiim joined the channel
[plush.city/@fluffy] BTW the criticism of #indieweb based on it being “too technical” is absolutely a valid one. It’s more of a set of guides for someone to build IndieWeb-compatible tools, but unfortunately there are very few such tools that have been built for users to just Use.It’s a tough... (https://plush.city/@fluffy/109581710035311353)
[mastodon.sdf.org/@jbrr] @jecxjo yeah, good point, maybe. What would be *great* is if non engineers got involved in open source. Like product folk getting involved in the roadmap, or qa testers testing for humans instead of engineers. Or design people making things look less bootstrap-y (side note, I’m... (https://mastodon.sdf.org/@jbrr/109581688577682149)
[plush.city/@fluffy] There are a bunch of people trying to build social platforms which happen to be #indieweb compatible but unfortunately, building platforms takes time and effort, and getting users on board in a way that provides the resources for that is difficult.I’d love for working on this... (https://plush.city/@fluffy/109581724064110683)
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] I'm ashamed of how difficult this was for me.https://foreverliketh.is/docs/preservation/home-page/foreverlikethis88x34.gif@dazego #webdev #web #indieweb #website #webring (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/109581801327239802)
barnaby joined the channel
[beesbuzz.biz] #indieweb#social networking#social media (http://beesbuzz.biz/articles/11127-What-is-the-IndieWeb)
[manton] joined the channel
[josh.tel/@josh] As new federated systems go mainstream, we need to ensure we're supporting the humans and organizations behind them. I'm not just talking about Mastodon, Pixelfed, Peertube, and BookWyrm This update from The #Matrix Foundation is concerning: ... (https://josh.tel/@josh/109582426565378229)
This terrible picture of my desk is just me trying to see if I can use some #indieweb techniques to post to a blog site that I’m trying to put together from Instagram… https://instagr.am/p/Cmph9dNOyc7/
[iambismark] joined the channel