#stream 2023-01-06

2023-01-06 UTC
[jacky] joined the channel
I was thinking that about the mastodon quote toot debate
[KevinMarks] if you can dig up the GH issue or toot thread for that debate, that's probably worth documenting
what is quote toot
It looks like we don't have a page for "quote toot" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "quote toot is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is quote tweet
A quote tweet (also known as a "retweet with comment") is a reply on Twitter to an original tweet that displays the entirety of the original in a reply-context below the reply text https://indieweb.org/quote_tweet
^ close enough, put it there, I can help garden it later
We'd need a version of that forking tool to cover the debate on mastodon
[preview] [Eugen Rochko] I don't feel as strongly about quote posts as I did in 2018. Personally, I am not a fan, but there is clearly a lot of demand for it. We're considering it.
That's digging through some of the bits I've responded to. There is a lot more
[asuh] joined the channel
Good analysis and response to Taylor there [KevinMarks]++
[KevinMarks] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
[zeina] and jdzero joined the channel
tiim, barnaby and petermolnar joined the channel
[mastodon.cipherbliss.com/@tykayn] @deerbard how about having a personal website, or use some place in the #fediverse (like mastodon.art or some #pixelfed instance) to call home to store your art ?... (https://mastodon.cipherbliss.com/@tykayn/109641602601639487)
[mastodon.au/@lime_juice_cube] I don't consider companies like #adobe or Hasbro as anything other than gigantic corporate diseases, so far removed from their founding vision that they've become a behemoth better off slain. Let’s Take A Minute To Talk About D&D’s Open Gaming License (OGL) | by Noah... (https://mastodon.au/@lime_juice_cube/109641771181307987)
Idea for #portlandme and much-needed bicycle infrastructure (I mean well beyond paint and pilot programs, not to diss those working on pilot programs): A bike infrastructure fund, similar to the city's housing fund. I mean, how are bike… https://indieweb.social/@jamesecradockjr/109641982226318357
[marksuth] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@johanbove] If you live in Germany or Austria and want to get started with your own website, as part of the #indieweb, it is good to know about the "impressumspflicht". Info in English: https://indieweb.org/Impressum (https://indieweb.social/@johanbove/109642122218877829)
The #IndieWeb approach *is* the simpler day-to-day approach. Once you setup your domain & provider (or host/CMS), you always know where to post. Your own site. Write first, defer "destination decisions". Create first, edit for audience(s) second. ... https://tantek.com/t5Nh3
starrwulfe joined the channel
Better advice than “leave this place and go to that other place” from @t: https://tantek.com/2023/005/t3/indieweb-simpler-approach
UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression seeks input on the relationship of freedom of expression and sustainable development. eg benefits & barriers including the right to information, the use of ICTs, and investigative journalists & whistleblowers. https://mastodon.social/@dbanisar@indieweb.social/109642319915706411
😮 Fediverse may centralize. Large instances can be #bought. The #CEO of #Tumblr has promised to implement #ActivityPub ASAP, and with 135 million monthly active users, that could make Tumblr the bright #giant around which the rest of the #Fediverse revolves. MacWright... (https://microblog.club/objects/e4eb1ae0-f660-465e-b593-94980a66a9ef)
↩️ private tech companies without benefiting kids. Quite a trick! I think we should grant students #Linux machines and then teach a core set of useful tools like wikis, blogs, RSS, etc. that empower rather than surveil users. https://indieweb.social/@tedcurran/109642923815267350 (2/2)
[mastodon.design/@nsmsn] Registered for Decentralized Website Communication with Webmention on Jan. 15.I hope the #IndieWeb continues to gain momentum in 2023. I’m going to try and attend more virtual events like this.... (https://mastodon.design/@nsmsn/109643153712212726)
IWSlackGateway, [schmarty], gRegor, [tantek], [KevinMarks], [ricola], [aciccarello] and [jacky] joined the channel
[tantek.com] The #IndieWeb approach *is* the simpler day-to-day approach.... (http://tantek.com/2023/005/t3/indieweb-simpler-approach)
[mastodon.social/@matthiasott] 😍 If you love #RSS or want to (re)start reading #blogs via RSS in 2023, then you’ll love this: @chriscoyier just shared his OPML of developer and designer blogs. 🔥... (https://mastodon.social/@matthiasott/109643445205309669)
[snarfed] joined the channel
Tantek is right. Read every word in this piece. The only thing I'd change is calling this "IndieWeb" -- which is imho redundant. It's like saying "WetRain." Everything he says that applies to "Indie" applies to the web as a whole. Otherwise, right on. https://tantek.com/2023/005/t3/indieweb-simpler-approach
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[zeina] joined the channel
tantek your 100days are off to a really good start
thank you angelo! we'll see if I can keep it going
[social.treehouse.systems/@Radwan] Trying to get more into blogging and #Indieweb and learn its standards and protocols, check my own personal blog https://rd1.tech/ and subscribe to me RSS feed! also drop your suggestions for further reading materials, I'm really interested in that topic (https://social.treehouse.systems/@Radwan/109643923711089761)
For the #samizdat fans in #Indieweb check out some of this @ChrisAldrich
[tw2113_Slack_] and [manton] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@matthiasott] “Once you setup your domain & provider (or host/CMS), you always know where to post. Your own site.[…] Create first, edit for audience(s) second. It’s refreshing & liberating.”—@tantek.com#blogging #PersonalSites #indieweb... (https://mastodon.social/@matthiasott/109644396788033035)
↩️ Rami Al-Kabra - rami kate b.- bitz Summer Stinson - Summer Crystal Fincher - finchfrii The Nexus of Privacy - nexusofprivacy Who else? https://indieweb.social/@jdp23/109644013926309147 (2/2)
[indieweb.social/@rcade] If any developers know how Mastodon turns a user's address like @rcade into a link, addresses for one instance don't appear to be working. #indieweb https://indieweb.social/@xian@tilde.zone/109644035293234285 (https://indieweb.social/@rcade/109644576058273347)
[TMichelleMoore] and antranigv1 joined the channel
↩️ into WordPress very easily, you can export all your Tumblr content... then longer term, we want to support these new protocols like activity pub on top of… We’re gonna support #RSS so things are easy to get in and out." https://hallwaychats.com/episodes/episode-161-a-chat-with-matt-mullenweg/ https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109644110300193716 (2/2)