#stream 2023-01-08

2023-01-08 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
[mastodon.cloud/@jlgatewood] Wait, what?! Yokohama has a TRAM MUSEUM?!I know here I’m going when I return now. (↩️ to https://jamesvandyne.com/3833184b-7a56-4a1d-b8bf-7e3f9c62f7c8 @jamesvandyne)…yep, I’m using a #webmention in a toot coz I get down like that. 😏#indieweb the world! (https://mastodon.cloud/@jlgatewood/109650847052158117)
gRegor joined the channel
[macaw.social/@njudd] Where is my (new?) friend who knows about uWSGI? #django #indieweb (https://macaw.social/@njudd/109651658246142653)
↩️ system you prefer... It’s all powered by the ActivityPub standard... It’s the end of platform...lock-in. It means every small app can benefit from a network effect previously only available to gatekeeper platforms." https://blog.opensource.org/the-fediverse-unlocks-a-world-of-composable-distributed-apps/ https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109651516089116298 (2/2)
gRegor and barnaby joined the channel
[tantek.com] There are more 2023 #100DaysOfIndieWeb projects, you should check them out:... (http://tantek.com/2023/007/t2/more-100daysofindieweb-projects)
[hcommons.social/@natalie] @tantek.com Thank you for these posts, I find them very interesting.But I have a question about syndicating posts. I tried to set up sth similar with the activity pub plugin in wordpress and was not really satisfied with it. Namely, I would not be able to edit or delete the... (https://hcommons.social/@natalie/109653246111818823)
tiim and barnaby joined the channel
[post.lurk.org/@h] i have updated my #gemini resource on #degrowth, #communities & scale, forgiveness & growth, and imagining a kinder future on and offline!accessible here: gemini://hnr.fyi/research.gmi... (https://post.lurk.org/@h/109653881365488787)
Yesterweb, eller indieweb, är mitt livselixir.
gRegor joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore] Project Journal: Earliest Project MemoriesIntroduction to the Project JournalsI am participating in the 100DaysofIndieWeb and my original 100 day project was to post my photo albums (fix past broken albums that were the result of my IndieWeb website transformation, current... (https://mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore/109654147400379153)
[merveilles.town/@winduptoy] I'm obsessed with CGI. I've ripped off @cblgh's beautiful work on cerca and built a web forum that stores content in plaintext and is stupid-simple to host. Posts are written in #gemtext.https://winduptoy.sensorstation.co/oasis.htmlREADME:... (https://merveilles.town/@winduptoy/109654457820926480)
Nice to see that there is such a variety of MicroPub clients, next to Quill, Micropublish and the mobile app Indigenous, there’s also sparkles. But on the desktop, I mostly just use GoBlog’s editor nowadays. It has live sync and and a live preview, which is sometimes very... (https://jlelse.blog/micro/2023/01/2023-01-08-vywhk)
[mastodon.social/@watswo] The Year of the Personal Website · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer... (https://mastodon.social/@watswo/109654862090352955)
starrwulfe and gRegor joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@charlesroper] Looking for some #IndieWeb bloggers to subscribe to.Had a clear out of my feeds, started using Inoreader (much better than Feedly so far!), and now looking for people's words to read.Please reply with any suggestions and boost to spread the question around. Ta! 🙏 (https://indieweb.social/@charlesroper/109655693021512785)
[indieweb.social/@charlesroper] What's a good way to present feeds (RSS or Atom, doesn't matter) so that it is as easy as possible for people to subscribe in their feed reader of choice?Perhaps a thing a bit like those interstitials you get for podcasts and music?E.g. like this: https://orcd.co/sixsignsBut with... (https://indieweb.social/@charlesroper/109655672222654084)
[indieweb.social/@charlesroper] @OohDirectory Any chance of an #IndieWeb category or perhaps tag on the directory? (https://indieweb.social/@charlesroper/109655818997104035)
Taking back control of my tiny web corner. Happy to be back into Microformats a decade later and this time combining it with Indieweb. So far I have my own domain http://www.axiomeval.me (WIP), digital ID, freedom from silos and there is more to come :-) #microformats #indieweb
[axiomeval.social/@ross] Taking back control of my tiny web corner. Happy to be back into Microformats a decade later and this time combining it with Indieweb. So far I have my own domain www.axiomeval.me (WIP), digital ID, freedom from silos and there is more to come :-) #microformats #indieweb (https://axiomeval.social/@ross/109655903165993838)
[hcommons.social/@ryanrandall] I've seen a few different #fediverse to #jekyll comment things—but I've yet to see a clear way to moderate comments.So I'm feeling drawn to #Giscus, though I'd love to be less attached to #GHPages & encourage people toward the #Fedi instead.Am I missing something? I'd massively... (https://hcommons.social/@ryanrandall/109656005996202866)
starrwulfe joined the channel