#stream 2023-01-15

2023-01-15 UTC
[indieweb.social/@arush] Looked at the birdsite quickly and saw that people who have been dead silent at all the other shit Elon's been up to are suddenly up in arms over his lack of transparency now that their favorite probably more accessible third-party client is no longer working. Tempted to shitpost... (https://indieweb.social/@arush/109690278634224488)
Continuing with the progress on my IndieWeb website project, I succeeded in replying to a Mastodon Post from my website. Day 7 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement This project, at times, is a little complicated… https://tmichellemoore.com/?p=151955
[mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore] Project Journal: IndieWeb Project: WebmentionsContinuing with the progress on my IndieWeb website project, I succeeded in replying to a Mastodon Post from my website.Day 7 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal,... (https://mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore/109690511454133965)
[tantek.com] @daviddelven@pkm.social self-hosting^1 is plumbing^2, does not impact key user functionality, and thus not required for an #IndieWeb site.... (http://tantek.com/2023/014/t1/)
gRegor joined the channel
[masto.ai/@aramia] As someone who has long waxed poetic about the quirky free-spiritedness and DIY ethos of the early web, it makes me so happy to see more people talking about things like blogs, personal sites, the #fediverse, and the #indieweb. I've loved tech for as long as I can remember, but... (https://masto.ai/@aramia/109691395291167794)
[tantek.com] Previously^1 I asked "How should we @ someone [on the #IndieWeb]?" & suggested we use @-domain. With some web spelunking, the earliest such use I found was 2013-03-26 (~10y ago!) by @eschnou.com, maybe^2 the first #siteToSite #federated #atMention!... (http://tantek.com/2023/014/t4/domain-first-federated-atmention)
Previously^1 I asked "How should we @ someone [on the #IndieWeb]?" & suggested we use @-domain. With some web spelunking, the earliest such use I found was 2013-03-26 (~10y ago!) by @eschnou.com, maybe^2 the first #siteToSite #federated #atMention! ... https://tantek.com/t5Nr4
[hachyderm.io/@sentience] Thanks to Paul Robert Lloyd’s Indiekit, this post started life on my personal website, and was auto-syndicated to Mastodon. The future! #indieweb #POSSE (https://hachyderm.io/@sentience/109693216056551348)
RSVP yes to Decentralized Website Communication with Webmention scheduled for 2023-01-15 1pm EST #IndieWeb, #Webmentions (https://tmichellemoore.com/?p=151993)
[mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore] RSVP yes to Decentralized Website Communication with Webmention scheduled for 2023-01-15 1pm ESThttps://events.indieweb.org/2023/01/decentralized-website-communication-with-webmention-49Mvf9ZDUHzk#IndieWeb, #Webmentions (https://tmichellemoore.com/?p=151993) (https://mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore/109693547972459617)
[mastodon.lol/@geniodiabolico] While we are getting our #indieweb on, I had the urge to explore alternatives to GoodReads. I did the export and imported to #bookwyrm. It was mostly successful, a few stragglers that need manual input.Because it is #ActivityPub driven, you can follow from #mastodon. I updated my... (https://mastodon.lol/@geniodiabolico/109693474503656523)
[mastodon.lol/@geniodiabolico] @mcg @geniodiabolico@bookrastinating.com That's exactly how I use the blog. I used to auto-post to FB, bird site, Tumblr, Google plus. Now I just post and it is activity I see herd. I boosted the most recent podcast the other day.It also implies that the #indieweb #POSSE strategy... (https://mastodon.lol/@geniodiabolico/109693602078040163)
IWSlackGateway, [snarfed], [TMichelleMoore] and starrwulfe joined the channel
[social.yesterweb.org/@triptych] https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started #indiewebcamp #indieweb #indiewebdev #html #css #javascipt (https://social.yesterweb.org/@triptych/109694273486677536)
IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
Maybe those two pages should get a banner image
[chrisaldrich] perhaps I’ll put the billion dollar typewriter image on that how to transition from Twitter page
[snarfed] and yousef joined the channel
[social.coop/@hollie] The IndieWeb event about Webmention just finished, and it was great! Thanks a ton to James for such an informative talk! I learned a lot! These sorts of presentations are so valuable, especially for us newbies. There's so much to learn and talks like this help so much.(There... (https://social.coop/@hollie/109694803744297141)
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
capjamesg++ nicely done!
capjamesg has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
[campegg], tiim1, [schmarty] and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
I recall seeing some kind of challenge to publish 100 blog posts in a year, anyone know who 'sponsored' or is 'running' that challenge? They also kept a running list of people who were successful at that - there was some good content there, but I forgot to bookmark it. #indieweb ... (https://dartboard.social/objects/4ee3ff53-2807-490d-a5ae-03e879be1df9)
^ was that post deleted? I see no post content when I click through (just page template "furniture")
ah I went to the home page, the main profile, and found the post in-stream there. weird that the permalink didn't work directly
also that doesn't look like Mastodon. ahhh it's a Pleroma
weird, it only works when navigating to it
some sort of JS glitch i guess
jsdr has -1 karma over the last year
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Take control of your online life Take control of your online life There are so many ways to get started, the choices available can feel like their own barrier. But these days it is easier than even just a few years ago. In the IndieWeb... https://tmblr.co/Z7DPZydEArMMim00
^ hah that's a POSSE from a personal site to Tumblr to Twitter
thanks [dariusdunlap]++
[dariusdunlap] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
[sociale.network/@oblomov] Picking a toot: a short write-up on adding “Share to #Mastodon” links to the Wok via #tootpick(This is also my first test to see if it works, and it seems to work so far.)#POSSE #fediverse #ikiwiki #indieweb #selfhosting http://wok.oblomov.eu/tecnologia/pick-a-toot/ (https://sociale.network/@oblomov/109695507808158224)
tootpick++ is a wonderful terrible pun
tootpick has 1 karma over the last year
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[simian.rodeo/@jasontucker] @tmichellemoore messing with this it looks like the h-card shows up on the author page if this is unchecked but its set to on by default for some reason in the #indieweb plugin. (https://simian.rodeo/@jasontucker/109695525108195486)
Picking a toot: a short write-up on adding “Share to #Mastodon” links to the Wok via #tootpick (This is also my first test to see if it works, and it seems to work so far.) #POSSE #fediverse #ikiwiki #indieweb #selfhosting http://wok.oblomov.eu/tecnologia/pick-a-toot/
Is picking a toot like scratching an itch?
gRegor joined the channel