#stream 2023-01-21

2023-01-21 UTC
to2ds joined the channel
My friend had a problem following me from his other Mastodon server. Is there some setting or restriction on this? I can follow him on indieweb mastodon. Here is my profile: https://mastodon.social/@deverman/ #Mastodon
to2ds joined the channel
↩️ genocide. This puts the US at phase 6: Polarization. Please look at the link below before you say - “it can’t happen here”. https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide https://indieweb.social/@WillRobinson/109721835255676646 (2/2)
to2ds joined the channel
↩️ I think sites like #Wix #Squarespace may not be suitable for #IndieWeb folks. You may own your content, but it'll be really hard to migrate out from these services. For http://wordpress.com, all I have to do is download the XML and import it into a #wordpress (1/2)
↩️ clean export I would have to remove them from the posts one by one. It would be far quicker to copy & paste. This is the last time I use a service that uses a proprietary web builder :blobfoxangry: 1/2 #Website #IndieWeb #Websites (2/2)
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] Currently moving from #Squarespace to wordpess.com. Instead of using importing my content via XML, I'm copy and pasting. I know I know! It's a long story, but the Squarespace XML file introduced so much of weird code blocks & doubled all my images. To get a clean export I would... (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/109724368897426363)
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] I think sites like #Wix #Squarespace may not be suitable for #IndieWeb folks. You may own your content, but it'll be really hard to migrate out from these services. For wordpress.com, all I have to do is download the XML and import it into a #wordpress .org host provider. There's... (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/109724379402498362)
to2ds and Gremblo joined the channel
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] @tmichellemoore Oh I see! Man, 100 days is a lot 😅 But interestingly after starting a linkblog using #Indieweb principles, I'm actually posting at that pace. Hmm! (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/109724735685673617)
[martymcgui.re] 2023 event planning, new community members, and free image banners. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!... (https://martymcgui.re/2023/01/20/220306/)
gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@jdzero] Mastodon Autopost TestHello? Is this thing on? Can you hear me Fediverse?https://www.jdzero.net/2023/01/21/mastodon-autopost-test/#IndieWeb (https://indieweb.social/@jdzero/109725457562288329)
angelo joined the channel
[fosstodon.org/@leonp] Current social media position: Hoping Twitter doesn’t cut off NetNewsWire’s API access before most people move to Mastodon and NetNewsWire implements Mastodon integration in the meantime. While POSSEing anyway. C’est compliqué. #indieweb #netnewswire #rss #posse... (https://fosstodon.org/@leonp/109726311357801138)
When you setup your site with Bridgy Fed^1, it creates a dashboard with a form for others to follow you site. E.g. mine: https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com Copying that Follow form to your site sets up cross-instance following directly from your #IndieWeb site! ... https://tantek.com/t5Nx2
[tantek.com] When you setup your site with Bridgy Fed^1, it creates a dashboard with a form for others to follow you site. E.g. mine: https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com... (http://tantek.com/2023/020/t2/bridgy-fed-follow-form)
[tantek.com] @elizabethtai.com (@liztai@hachyderm.io) Thanks! It took us a while to come up with #POSSE too! Both the concept and name.... (http://tantek.com/2023/020/t1/)
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@davidrobin] Eleventy 2.0 first beta is out! Consider giving it a try: https://www.11ty.dev/blog/eleventy-v2-beta/ #webdev #webperf #indieweb #web1 (https://mastodon.social/@davidrobin/109726746250490076)
[indieweb.social/@janboddez] IndieBlocks v0.3.4 https://jan.boddez.net/articles/indieblocks-v0-3-4#indieblocks #indieweb #plugins #webmention #wordpress (https://indieweb.social/@janboddez/109726888472400646)
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] It's 2023: Students Hate Movieshttps://foreverliketh.is/blog/its-2023-students-hate-movies/MY SECOND EVER BLOG POST!!... (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/109727063448749142)
[pfefferle] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] I am really loving how webmentions are working on my website 😍 #IndieWeb #Websites (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/109727292681352097)
[pfefferle]1 and [KevinMarks]1 joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@janboddez] You should probably not add “No Title” to your titleless “IndieWeb” notes. Even if your site’s front end doesn’t show these “titles,” your RSS feed still might. Which would cause feed readers to display these notes as “articles,” i.e., _with_ a title (equal to... (https://indieweb.social/@janboddez/109727368077775910)
[fosstodon.org/@leonp] I’ve created a Mastodon RSS feed for my blog for POSSEing. It’ll change the toot depending on whether I’m publishing a post, note or link, add an optional comment and even add properly-formatted tags. I should write something on this… ... (https://fosstodon.org/@leonp/109727492406073804)
[TMichelleMoore], dtw, to2ds and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] I had an idea for an online science fiction literary journal.First: it’s on the web and free to access on beautiful, standards-based, responsive, blazing-fast web pages. Nobody ever needs to pay to read its content. It’s all out there, paywall-free, and anyone can link to it... (https://werd.io/2023/a-web-based-science-fiction-literary-journal)
[universeodon.com/@johnbeales] Time to #BuildInPublic: #Indieweb -izing my web presence.✅I've had johnbeales.com forever.... (https://universeodon.com/@johnbeales/109725401862527827)
mondo was right. The future is here. We’ve all got the Chiba City Blues. https://indieweb.social/@funkatron/109728654762043734
Time to #BuildInPublic: #Indieweb -izing my web presence. This was on my radar even before the recent developments here on Twitter, but losing @tweetbot has accelerated things.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@balamaqab] En el afán de independizar mi presencia en Internet, este año decidí retomar mi blog y configurarlo siguiendo el ejemplo de la comunidad #IndieWeb [1]. Acabo de usar por primera vez #IndieAuth [2] para iniciar sesión, y la sesión fue autenticada usando mi propio sitio web... (https://mastodon.social/@balamaqab/109729018119187073)
[opinuendo.com/@matthew] Whoo-hoo! Fixed my Jekyll error and got my personal website updated for that sweet, sweet validated profile bling. https://matthewreinbold.com(Also removed the 'Share to Twitter' links and updated the disclosures.)Turns out, if you just start deleting random folders you don't... (https://opinuendo.com/@matthew/109728978792122838)
gRegor and [tantek] joined the channel
[federate.blogpocket.com/@acambronero] We align ourselves with the #POSSE (Publish -on your- Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere) philosophy that is based on. that the contents must first be hosted on your own website, and then publish copies or share links with third parties. For this reason, from now on the videopoccast... (https://federate.blogpocket.com/@acambronero/109729286398150009)
[federate.blogpocket.com/@acambronero] Nos alineamos con la filosofía #POSSE (Publish -on your- Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere) que se basa en. que los contenidos deben alojarse primero en tu propio sitio web, y luego publicar copias o compartir enlaces con terceros. Por eso, desde ahora el videopoccast HECHO CON... (https://federate.blogpocket.com/@acambronero/109729284541985042)
[snarfed] joined the channel
lol ^ the image 😂