#stream 2023-01-28

2023-01-28 UTC
[mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore] Every Person DESERVES AND IS ENTITLED TO Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Justice no matter their color, race, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, or class. I just saw the Tyre Nichols video and decided that my IndieWeb project will be skipped tonight. Tyre Nichols and a... (https://mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore/109764083633381529)
The irony. Just went on Twitter & tweets are failing to load, as are images. Open up my indieweb dashboard on mastodon and it's super quick. #activitypub beating #twitter RN https://ift.tt/2xMlcUF
I had never heard of Sofi Oksanen before now, but this piece makes me want to know much more. “I wish that the Russian people would have a chance to live for 10 years in a world with freedom of speech and the press,” Oksanen says. “If… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109764102990857677
Every Person DESERVES AND IS ENTITLED TO Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Justice no matter their color, race, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, or class. I just saw the Tyre Nichols video and decided that my IndieWeb project will be skipped… https://tmichellemoore.com/?p=152391
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] Dear #IndieWeb @tantek.com Curious - are #webrings operational right now?Discovered this webring kit by @mxbck and it looks very cool.https://mxb.dev/blog/webring-kit/ (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/109764216636698618)
Dear #IndieWeb http://tantek.comfed.brid.gy Curious - are #webrings operational right now? Discovered this webring kit by @mxbck@front-end.social and it looks very cool. https://mxb.dev/blog/webring-kit/
[tantek.com] @elizabethtai.com (@liztai@hachyderm.io) there are a bunch of current #webrings examples listed here: https://indieweb.org/webring#Examples... (http://tantek.com/2023/027/t2/)
[mastodon.social/@danshield] Thinking about using the $300 Google Cloud credit to set up a VM and start playing with #indieweb projects. I've written enough web apps, I suppose I should try hosting one for once.Any suggestions for someone new to the self-hosting world? (https://mastodon.social/@danshield/109764651037429628)
[mastodon.social/@box464] Found some really great #IndieWeb resources tonight, all of which tell me it's time to move over to Netlify for my static site. @sia has the place to start, and she links through to some other great sites from here as well.https://sia.codes/posts/webmentions-eleventy-in-depth/ (https://mastodon.social/@box464/109764646095901412)
↩️ https://bw3.dev/ (@0x3b0b) your reply mostly worked as intended! I checked my http://webmention.io: * 2 replies via Bridgy Fed and Bridgy (backfeed from Twitter), and * 1 mention directly from your original post permalink. Your #IndieWeb ... https://tantek.com/t5P43
[tantek.com] Five years ago (Monday the 23rd) the @W3C Social Web Working Group published the WebSub Recommendation^1... (http://tantek.com/2023/027/t4/five-years-websub)
[tantek.com] https://bw3.dev/ (@0x3b0b) your reply mostly worked as intended! ... (http://tantek.com/2023/027/t3/)
↩️ https://dev.to/reggi/vscode-deno-notebook-48kp Also published the code to github and tied it up into a nice bow for myself and others. ❤️ https://indieweb.social/@thomasreggi/109740134561422960 (2/2)
The default font in #Zavala is Helvetica Neue. That's all I need to love the developer, Maurice Parker, forever and ever. Apart from that, Zavala looks like it has everything I need in an outliner. Excited. https://indieweb.social/@brentsimmons/109765169358068134
[ruhr.social/@besenwagen] The problem with the #IndieWeb is that making your personal website an inaccessible, user hostile shithole just doesn’t scale. You need a #VC funded corporation for that. (https://ruhr.social/@besenwagen/109766445165209040)
[mementomori.social/@rolle] What lists do you use in here?I have only two lists I use daily:- #WebDev (the #IndieWeb-people, all the people who do websites, mostly #a11y, #HTML, #CSS and #JS people as those are my things) - Suomalaiset (literally #Finnish people, people from #Finland, that is) #Mastodon... (https://mementomori.social/@rolle/109766741321414776)
↩️ the blogs of the early 2000s and where you don't have to measure your #content according to traffic. I also miss rainbow gifs. #algorithms #IndieWeb #SocialMedia https://jeena.net/content-is-king (2/2)
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] "... sometimes the optimization of a craft is the reason for it's destruction because it reduces it to the most optimal version of it and kills it by making it soulless."... (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/109766977513608852)
Another interesting contrast^1 in the #IndieWeb community is that most of us have both: * a domain name^2 — for posting our content, replies, likes etc. * a chat-name^3 — for chatting in our discussion channels^4 Ideally, we would have a ... https://tantek.com/t5P45
[tantek.com] Another interesting contrast^1 in the #IndieWeb community is that most of us have both:... (http://tantek.com/2023/027/t5/contrast-domain-chat-name)
Geometries #deadagent #cyberpunk #glitch #digitalart #glitchart #generativeart https://indieweb.social/@funkatron/109767427287395637
[manton.org] For puzzled Mastodon users reading my posts, I keep forgetting about Mastodon ignoring blockquote tags. Need to update Micro.blog’s cross-posting and ActivityPub to automatically change the output to use regular quotes. (https://www.manton.org/2023/01/28/for-puzzled-mastodon.html)
The walls close in And I need some noise #iggypop #mentalhealth #anotherlife https://indieweb.social/@funkatron/109767832364229379
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] “So I did a bit of drawing just to make it clearer (for myself) what kind of data can be shipped around in the Fediverse. To be clear, this is only a small part of the overall stack, but an important one.” Useful work! #Coding (https://werd.io/2023/activity-streams-graphical-model)
The wonderfully enthusiastic Professor Miano at Age of Antiquity shares his Greatest Historical Discoveries of 2022. I love his passion and integrity in sharing the knowledge that has become unearthed through recent… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109768800523973144
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] ~ #webrings watch ~... (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/109768769682456838)
Another great Lex Fridman podcast episode features the amazing astrobiologist Nathalie Cabrol of the SETI institute. I was absolutely smitten listening to this woman and to Lex's excellent questions and her responses. Just a… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109768937926774322
Pondré esto aquí y me iré lentamente. I'll put this here and leave slowly. https://indieweb.social/@jaredwhite/109768198118639531
[josh.tel/@josh] Absolutely flattered, especially given how strained my personal relationship with email is, that 10 people have already decided they want to receive regular emails from me Thanks for coming along for this new experiment in ambient intimacy and disintermediation.I've already got... (https://josh.tel/@josh/109769074302297339)
↩️ The IndieWeb movement provides alternatives for taking back control. Unfortunately, it still requires a lot of technical know how to compete against big platforms and even then you can’t compete against their marketing budgets and audience.
↩️ I’ve also been inspired by the IndieWeb movement that is all about self-sustainability rather than relying on centralised platforms and relinquishing ownership and control to businesses.