#stream 2023-01-30

2023-01-30 UTC
[dice.camp/@caleb] “This Gem is Mentionable” was featured on “This Week in the #IndieWeb” which marks the first time I’m aware of one of my articles being in a #podcast. (https://dice.camp/@caleb/109775841052870460)
I worked for two hours tonight, _really_ because I am scared of people being mad at me, and I hoped it would seem like I was working hard, so maybe they wouldn’t be as upset with me for my repeated screwups. I don’t know that they are mad at me. I just … https://indieweb.social/@funkatron/109775904585426389
Tonight it is hard to feel like I have done good things for anyone for a while work-wise. I am disappointed in how my disability and illness affected my work. I feel like I let so many people down. I’m still working to fix stupid choices I made years ag… https://indieweb.social/@funkatron/109775886432272671
[front-end.social/@mxbck] ✏️ New Post: A few days ago @matuzo kindly pointed out to me that I haven't been writing a lot lately. I was shocked and launched an immediate investigation.Here's why I don't write, and why my reasons are probably bullshit.https://mxb.dev/blog/seven-reasons-why-i-dont-write/... (https://front-end.social/@mxbck/109777609080336269)
Is the #IndieWeb just blogs/blogging? What if I told you the "indie web"^1 is older than "blog" or "weblog"^2? The IndieWeb, as it says on the homepage^3, also goes beyond blogging^4. And those are just the terms. It should come as no surprise that ... https://tantek.com/t5P61
[tantek.com] Is the #IndieWeb just blogs/blogging?... (http://tantek.com/2023/029/t1/indieweb-beyond-blogging)
[bbq.snoot.com/@ProgGrrl] Never needed the #Fediverse and #IndieWeb more than now.Quoting @samthielman: https://mastodon.social/@samthielman/109778414341392669 #retoot (https://bbq.snoot.com/@ProgGrrl/109778449379255638)
[fosstodon.org/@seanmcp] Back in November, I wrote about how to use your own domain for Mastodon without hosting an instance: https://www.seanmcp.com/articles/use-your-domain-on-mastodon-with-astro/However, this approach that uses a redirect seems a lighter-weight solution. Definitely give that a look:... (https://fosstodon.org/@seanmcp/109778955577573720)
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] ~ #webrings watch ~ No #webring today 😢 , but here is an awesome web page about their history written by Ray Thomas (brisray):https://brisray.com/web/webring-history.htmA must-read in my opinion!#indieweb #website #yesterweb #web #webdev #smallweb (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/109779033839053254)
↩️ So what does that mean exactly? I published a few basic schemas to NPM for my articles, notes, bookmarks, and a (very) basic person schema These are based heavily on https://indieweb.org/h-entry, with a bit of inspiration from https://schema.org/ for more specific content types
The new "indieweb" newsletter at https://newsletter.futureofcoding.org/ was made possible by @ralsina and its awesome @GetNikola project