#stream 2023-02-13

2023-02-13 UTC
[aciccarello] and [asuh] joined the channel
gRegor joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@box464] Screenshot of my personal site in development. Webmentions, tweets, and mastodon interactions are finally showing after a good month of banging my head against a wall. (https://mastodon.social/@box464/109856049499738607)
gRegor, GWG, [marksuth], [pfefferle]1, [tantek]1, [asuh]1, [KevinMarks]1, [tw2113_Slack_]1, [aciccarello]1, [marksuth]1, [snarfed]1, [chrisbergr]1, [jacky]1, IWSlackGateway, [tantek]2, [pfefferle]2 and pmlnr joined the channel
@tchambers Hey Tim Chambers - @tchambers@indieweb.social. You didn't connect your Notion Database yet. Check my pinned tweet to see how it works.
vo1d and [zetareticoli] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@chrisbergr] @box464 Interesting project. But it says "Indiekit is for everyone" and the first step of the installation process is "npm..." Unfortunately, still not the access to the #Indieweb for the non-expert. (https://mastodon.social/@chrisbergr/109857934629962899)
[mastodon.social/@box464] There are just too many sparklies to learn in the #IndieWeb #Fediverse world. Stop creating interesting things!https://getindiekit.com/get-started (https://mastodon.social/@box464/109857750344066119)
[indieweb.social/@jrende] This is my current #indieweb project: an application to design weaving designs for use in a floor loom. It uses #svelte and #webgl. Lately there has been a lot of debate around React, SPA vs. MPA, but with Svelte I've managed to only 50kb of Javascript. (https://indieweb.social/@jrende/109857863231636357)
It’s high likely that I will stop using twitter soon. Looking for app recommendations for mastodon. You can find me there at @danielsouza@indieweb.social
[tantek.com] I got auto-Unicode & linking footnotes¹ working!... (http://tantek.com/2023/043/t1/footnotes-unicode-links)
IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
^ hah nice. the Unicode ¹ made it through Loqi's search (of something)
where does "it" say "Indiekit is for everyone"?
ah right on the home page 🤦 https://getindiekit.com/
I see [Paul_Robert_Ll] already replied on Maso
[KevinMarks], [aciccarello] and [jacky] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@janboddez] Working on a new #Gutenberg block for #IndieWeb-style reply contexts (https://indieweb.org/reply-context#How_to).It’ll work much like IndieBlocks’ Context block, except that it’ll leverage InnerBlocks. No more messing with Groups and `e-content` class names in just the... (https://indieweb.social/@janboddez/109858614536237776)
gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@box464] @paulrobertlloyd @chrisbergr This project feels like a LEAP in the right direction. I admit this has been a struggle to complete - it's almost like taking a course! IndieWebifyMe and Webmentions.Rock are great but your average user has no chance with that.I envision something... (https://mastodon.social/@box464/109858670032649339)
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
^ needs more context
[dave] joined the channel
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] Is it hard to setup & use your own #IndieWeb site? Depends on the path chosen, and why. 1 turnkey: get a https://micro.blog/ - easier than #Mastodon, works with 2 #webdev: install a https://indieweb.org/CMS - needs tech knowhow 3 builder: assemble ...
and note that IndieKit is a building block, and part of that number 3 approach
[snarfed] joined the channel
Volver a tener el control de la vida digital debería ser una tarea inexcusable para cualquier persona que esté creando contenidos. #ContentCreators #DigitalSpaces #IndieWeb #UX https://torresburriel.blogia.com/2023/021302-volver-a-tener-el-control-de-la-vida-digital.php
This Saturday night is RetroStrange Movie Night! Watch some 1950s Hot Rod movies w/ us. No ads, no sign-in, no bullshit. RSMN is community-supported by our Patreon. https://retrostrange.com/2023/retrostrange-movie-night-is-february-18th/ #Movies #Streaming #IndieWeb
↩️ Por cierto, acabo de ver que ese post aparece como el más "antiguo" en la wiki de IndieWeb, hablando del tema: https://indieweb.org/Posts_about_the_IndieWeb-es
↩️ Totalmente. Escribí de #IndieWeb (que primero le leí a @t) en mi blog hace más de 10 años, y casi suscribo cada palabra. http://alfonsoromay.com/2012/07/movimientos-hacia-una-web-independiente/
[wrestling.social/@phil] This Saturday night is RetroStrange Movie Night! Watch some 1950s Hot Rod movies w/ us. No ads, no sign-in, no bullshit. RSMN is community-supported by our Patreon. https://retrostrange.com/2023/retrostrange-movie-night-is-february-18th/ #Movies #Streaming #IndieWeb (https://wrestling.social/@phil/109859033015652939)
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[campegg] and angelo joined the channel