#stream 2023-03-08

2023-03-08 UTC
gRegor and [manton]1 joined the channel
[mythology.social/@arpcomics] Hey - it’s #ADHDObsessionWednesday!I want to hear from my #adhd peeps: what’s your current obsession or passion?I’m still obsessed with #Mastodon, the #Fediverse, and the possibility of a better internet. So I added a bunch of #IndieWeb features to my new site.(I was gonna... (https://mythology.social/@arpcomics/109987454197703613)
petermolnar, Loqi__ and [dave]1 joined the channel
[sebsel] joined the channel
[social.n8e.dev/@pieceofthepie] Spent some of my afternoon attempting to better implement #MicroFormats2 and schema.org #MicroData into my blog.I think I've done a reasonable job (according to the various parsers I can check) but all in all it's just made my head hurt for no tangible benefit I can glean.It... (https://social.n8e.dev/@pieceofthepie/109988926057941157)
^ this is why we need clear tangible benefits for any encouragement to add any microformats
gRegor joined the channel
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] I’m working on creating a list of metadata formats that a web publisher absolutely must support. These are formats that provide structured information in order to help with one of the following use cases:Help platforms to display rich previews when a link from the publisher is... (https://werd.io/2023/metadata-standards-for-publishers)
^ BG: The 19th already supports mf2 in its articles, and a few of the listed md formats, but I have a project to be much more comprehensive, use h-feed, include everything we could possibly need
Do you have author pages with rel=me support?
So the authors/contributors can be verified on their chosen mastodon/fedi instance as working there
Our author pages intentionally don't link out to other sites (not my dept, unfortunately) but I can at least use internal rel=me links
I will advocate to add external links
Prevents impersonation too.
Yeah, I definitely shared that internally
I've just raised the topic again
Definitely easier than running a mastodon instance
For sure (although I think we'll end up doing that)
Yes, but being deliberately pluralist is good. You can give occasional contributors an author page without having to add them to the company instance.
[preview] [Kevin Marks] @evan @atomicpoet My qualified yes was that they should first set up profile pages with outbound rel=me links for all their writers, including freelances (they usually have author pages that list their articles already). That way the authors can show...
[mastodon.social/@artemissian] Tags (please don't hate me)#LivingOnline #RightToPrivacy #RightToBeSafe #RightToPseudonymity #RightToAnonymity ... (https://mastodon.social/@artemissian/109989796598805104)
[KevinMarks] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (53 in all channels)
[benatwork] Good lists overall. IMO Atom is easier to support as a publisher (much clearer to go from "I want to publish/express *this* thing" to "here's how you do that) than RSS. And h-feed + WebSub is a thing, e.g. my site supports it
Atom feed use-case -> syndication into micro.blog
re: "And more importantly, how can we streamline?" — I would like to see specific use-cases that actually *need* JSON-LD data-islands / schema-org because I have gotten plenty "rich" Google SERPs without it
please abbreviate "Open Graph Protocol" to "OGP", because frankly, it's a format, not a protocol
and listing it as expanded like that is misleading (unfortunately). even if it is only one step removed, calling it Oh Gee Pee at least doesn't directly propagate the "Protocol" misinfo
IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel