#stream 2023-04-05

2023-04-05 UTC
IWSlackGateway and [manton] joined the channel
https://bit.ly/434Pxbj https://indieweb.org/POSSE I need to configure this for my “new” mastodon instance.
[snarfed], IWSlackGateway, gRegor, [pfefferle], [chrisbergr], [fluffy], [Murray], [tantek] and [jacky] joined the channel
Please see https://indieweb.org/discuss for channel purposes and logging policies. Code of conduct: https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct
[mindly.social/@tbc] TIL @manton's draft of his #book has been out almost a month already. Read Indie Microblogging! https://book.micro.blog/ #microblog #IndieWeb [Edited: Duh. It's been out almost thirteen months.] (https://mindly.social/@tbc/110147526402875702)
[mindly.social/@tbc] I'd like to be sure that all who follow me in the #Fediverse are aware of https://micro.blog ¶ Please join us on the #IndieWeb (bigger than the Fediverse) ¶ I am there more than I am here ¶ Be prepared to pay $5/month for the product ¶ Obviously I think it's worth it ¶ I've... (https://mindly.social/@tbc/110147706921292045)
[KevinMarks] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[jvt.me] To anyone following me on Twitter, with the Twitter API dying imminently, you'll no longer be seeing posts or interactions from me. In some cases I may manually post replies, but expect my account to be read-only going forwards. You can find me on the Fediverse at... (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2023/04/ein9i/)
↩️ To be fair, the content and interactions on Twitter locks the content and interactions into the platform whereas Mastodon / Fediverse can be bridged onto anything and is pretty much just RSS gone social. It can even bridge to the @indiewebcamp world using https://fed.brid.gy/
I had another great conversation with @maggie@indieweb.social in an extended, embodied, embodied, enacted way. We drank hot drinks and you can even hear us in a real live café with other humans doing stuff around us. Still talked about #AI tho https://pod.fo/e/1720c4