#stream 2023-04-26

2023-04-26 UTC
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@notsidney] I’m so excited to publish my new #PersonalWebsite:... (https://indieweb.social/@notsidney/110262392783902865)
[manton]1, [Murray]1, [timothy_chambe] and [marksuth]1 joined the channel
[mstdn.social/@rmdes] @mori something #indieweb already does with #webmentions which is very cool!And in some way @manton is making both accessible via https://micro.blogI haven't seen a "indieweb" ready theme in available from one-click install but it shouldn't be too hard to use existing Hugo themes... (https://mstdn.social/@rmdes/110264252289406902)
Loqi__ joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@vanzasetia] I just finished adding Webmention on my website which is built with @eleventy It is amazing that everything works without JavaScript being sent to the users.Webmention + Eleventy = Ultimate Website#webmention #11ty #indieweb https://vanzasetia.site/ (https://mastodon.social/@vanzasetia/110265441720333513)
[stefanbohacek.online/@stefan] There's a lot of great explanation sites about the fediverse and its various communities, and I wanted to take a stab at this myself.https://jointhefediverse.netThe site (very much work in progress) is aimed at a more casual audience. Let me know what you think!#fediverse... (https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/110265867199360216)
[indieweb.social/@m2m] A new post that sounds self-celebratory, while in reality it's an ode to the #SmallWeb and the #indieweb.I cleaned the structure and merged the content according to how I see my website: a personal place, rather than some brand's shop window.I also discovered a lot of new... (https://indieweb.social/@m2m/110265774778640661)
[jeremycherfas] and angelo_ joined the channel
Intro to Runtime Performance in the Chrome DevTools Performance Panel, by @anniesullie@indieweb.social (@thisdotmedia): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_5DKEx72qk
[itskevin.social/@kevin] I didn't like how all these interests looked in my profile, so I'm putting them in a post.#Nerd, #Virginia, #DMV, #InfoSec, #IndieWeb, #Privacy, #CatDad, #Mac, #Apple, #PopCulture, #TV, #Music, #KayScarpetta, #IndieFolk, #EDM, #Photography, #Gay, #LGBT, #Movies, #OpenStack,... (https://itskevin.social/@kevin/110266455530282607)
[manton.org] Some technologies just keep coming back… Currently writing XML-RPC code, this time for JavaScript. Despite the new-ish JSON APIs in WordPress, not to mention Micropub, MetaWeblog is still the best way to talk to WordPress without any extra plugins or configuration. (https://www.manton.org/2023/04/26/some-technologies-just.html)
No @TheBabylonBee not here. Shout-out to @ParlerMedia for the email I got recently to support you in your lawsuit against California’s Attorney General in defense of #freeSpeech. Join us on the #IndieWeb @microdotblog and in the #Fediverse. https://babylonbee.com/plans?utm_source=parler&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=law_suit
[campegg] joined the channel
I did a quick check. The tweet below does not appear in a search on #MantonReece #Fediverse #IndieWeb. Testing to see if that is because they don't appear in the first 280 characters. If this tweet shows up and below never does, then we have proof.
gRegor, [Tim_Nolte], [manton], [marksuth], GWG and IWSlackGateway joined the channel