#stream 2023-05-16

2023-05-16 UTC
[Tim_Nolte], KMF, [manton], [jeremycherfas], gRegor, angelo_ and [marksuth] joined the channel
[front-end.social/@elly] Having my daily “what if I just scrapped everything and rewrote it all” moment.Though, thankfully, this time it’s not because I’m working on some god awful code full of technical debt, I’m working on my own website. 😎 (I hope my sarcasm is being conveyed by that... (https://front-end.social/@elly/110377441600409421)
Hi Greg, nice to see you around. I hope you have a lot of fun with your experiments 🙂#indiewebhttps://christian-hockenberger.com/activity/6335/ (https://christian-hockenberger.com/activity/6335/)
UK / London #IndieWeb folks, plus anyone else interested in having their own personal website, who'd be interested in reviving an occasional in-person meetup at a café this summer? Preferred weekday evenings or weekend?
[manton.org] Special shout-out to @sod who has been working with us to update all the Micro.blog themes with improved Microformats markup and other fixes. A bunch have been updated already! Check your Plug-ins page every once in a while to see if there’s an update to a theme you’re using. (https://www.manton.org/2023/05/16/special-shoutout-to.html)
[capjamesg], [Murray] and angelo joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@arush] Good afternoon fedisons, we’re doing Tuesday.... (https://indieweb.social/@arush/110379633274482116)
Hi Greg, nice to see you around. I hope you have a lot of fun with your experiments 🙂#indiewebhttps://christian-hockenberger.com/reply/6335/ (https://christian-hockenberger.com/reply/6335/)
[chrisbergr], [Caleb_Hearth], [schmarty] and gRegor joined the channel
Experimenting with Bridgy FedOof, so the experiment with the ActivityPub and Friends plugins for WordPress didn’t exactly go to plan… I’m not entirely sure why things failed, but at least I have another option to experiment with known as #BridgyFed If everything goes to... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://gregsplace.net/2023/05/16/experimenting-with-bridgy-fed/)
what is Bridgy FedOof?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Bridgy FedOof" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Bridgy FedOof is ____", a sentence describing the term)
^^ Interesting mf2 mistake there, multiple `p-name`. SemPress theme should have good mf2 support.
Wonder if a plugin like WP microformats is trying to add them to the theme that already supports it
Saying HelloHello world, and welcome to Greg’s Place! Since this is my first post, I’ll keep it short and just say that I’m eexperimenting with the #IndieWeb and #ActivityPub in particular in relation to how it would work with #Wordpress Crossing my fingers and hoping this... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://gregsplace.net/2023/05/15/saying-hello/)
Uh oh.. does loqi fetch all sites from the wiki user table and checks for #indieweb in every new post and post update to paste it here?
no, it probably found that through hashtag search on mastodon instances
mastodon... okay, thanks. I need to watch what goes out there