#stream 2023-05-18

2023-05-18 UTC
[manton.org] I missed that the videos from FediForum have been posted. Here’s the video of my demo of how Micro.blog works with the fediverse: youtu.be/2nKy-LKsS… (https://www.manton.org/2023/05/17/i-missed-that.html)
[davidmead] and gRegor joined the channel
[mastodon.nopasaran.red/@woventales] @dankim There's a good selection on https://indieweb.org/website-analytics -- I've not got anything integrated into my site yet, but I've (at least currently) got my eye on #Offen for once I get around to doing so. 'Internal work webapp' is definitely a different scope than... (https://mastodon.nopasaran.red/@woventales/110387845454406550)
[jeremycherfas] and KMF joined the channel
gRegor, cambridgeport90, IWSlackGateway, [snarfed], [tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ Relevant post on how the cool indie web streamlined into what it is now: https://stackingthebricks.com/how-blogs-broke-the-web/ > Back then, we didn’t have platforms or feeds or social networks or… blogs. We had homepages. Those rebelling against it: https://indieweb.org/
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] I’ve loved every moment of working with The 19th. I was a supporter before I joined, and I’ll continue to be one afterwards. As well as well-executed journalism at the intersection of gender, politics, and policy, The 19th is a masterclass in building an equitable remote... (https://werd.io/2023/a-personal-update)
petermolnar, [benatwork], [schmarty], [manton], cambridgeport90, gRegor, [kimberlyhirsh], [jacky] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
↩️ If you prefer Mastodon, follow it there: @year_remaining@indieweb.social
[KevinMarks]1 joined the channel