#stream 2023-06-05

2023-06-05 UTC
[snarfed] joined the channel
[josh.tel/@josh] Love how rapidly fedi software is evolving. Took a month break from upgrades, and had several version upgrades.Now I have post editing in @pixelfed!And hashtags on @bookwyrm!#Fedi #Pixelfed #BookWyrm #IndieWeb #SelfHosting (https://josh.tel/@josh/110489311922296586)
Loqi__ joined the channel
[mstdn.social/@rmdes] @jax I like how #indieweb enacted it with Known or micro.blog, the ability to have a custom post type for Bookmarks that allows you to syndicate it as a blog post to different platforms. (https://mstdn.social/@rmdes/110491558338406810)
[schmarty], [timothy_chambe] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@tchambers] The latest stats over the last six months from #Bridgely - a tool for #Indieweb sites publishing over to various social platforms."The other striking trend is the marked uptick in Mastodon account growth since Elon took over back in November. It’s more than doubled in the last... (https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/110491987401534087)
[tw2113_Slack_], [KevinMarks], [fluffy]1, [timothy_chambe], [schmarty], [tantek], [snarfed] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
[social.platypush.tech/@cambridgeport90] We need to totally overhaul company's offerings for different products. Way too many features; custom domains stand out to me, but I'm sure there are others, are listed under the "business" offerings for most. What about those geeks who use them for other things aside from a... (https://social.platypush.tech/@cambridgeport90/110492767594261979)
gRegor, [jgarber], aaronpk and [jacky] joined the channel