#stream 2023-07-22

2023-07-22 UTC
[Murray] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@janboddez] In the process of adding true mf2 support to [Feed Reader](https://github.com/janboddez/feed-reader).Random observation: a *lot* of RSS and Atom feeds are served up with a `text/html` content type.#indieweb #microformats #WebFeeds (https://bddz.be/kQ9) (https://indieweb.social/@janboddez/110758228222413247)
[manton.org] Spent a few hours yesterday trying to get Micro.blog to work better with Calckey (now Firefish). Made progress but not enough. ActivityPub remains extremely difficult to debug without reading the source code for other projects. (https://www.manton.org/2023/07/22/spent-a-few.html)
[martymcgui.re] One-hour website projects and denying consent to AI crawlers. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!... (https://martymcgui.re/2023/07/22/111411/)
[schmarty] and gRegor joined the channel
[craft.do/s/9ILVvNnwHVAmJk] Speak up. When something doesn't work. When someone is being hurt. When you don't agree. Speak up. Someone has to. It's a burden to see more, it's a duty and a privilege. So take care and speak up. You would be surprised how many people think the same and are equally afraid to... (https://blog.numericcitizen.me/2023/07/22/speak-up-when.html)