#stream 2023-07-30
2023-07-30 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
Loqi [kolektiva.social/@dragonfly] because of an open letter 50 jailed women sent us today for sharing i want to reflect further on how hard is to get messages troughthey wrote it by hand, then sent it to a contact i assume by letter, the i got an instagram message and got the pdf after and transcribed it. the... (https://kolektiva.social/@dragonfly/110801653781324852)

dominik, gRegor and [capjamesg] joined the channel
Loqi [adactio.com] Nobody cares about your blog.
I just don’t care what you think, here’s my post and you can do nothing about it :) (https://adactio.com/links/20356)

Loqi [todon.eu/@alexture] How I got into personal websitesOhh, I'm a friend! I'm really, really glad to have received a webmention seen the post on your blog and realised that mine doesn't support webmentions on the homepage and (hopefully) fixed it!When I was a kid, I didn't really grasp the difference... (https://todon.eu/@alexture/110803561254695123)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@PuercoPop] @MikeEL @handle your understanding is incorrect. You can use #webfinger to use your own domain in any mastodon instance. #indiewebhttps://blog.maartenballiauw.be/post/2022/11/05/mastodon-own-donain-without-hosting-server.html (https://mastodon.social/@PuercoPop/110803494481562830)

Loqi [indieweb.social/@Tiim] Is there a good alternative to the #omnibear browser extension for #micropub? It seems like omnibear is not available for #firefox anymore: the link to addons.mozilla.org returns a 404.#indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@Tiim/110803823766736621)

angelo joined the channel
Loqi [tech.lgbt/@Tomhodson] And I added a bit of code to display mastodon comments on the blog, for which this toot is a test. #indieweb (https://tech.lgbt/@Tomhodson/110804199081932477)

angelo, [tw2113_Slack_], IWSlackGateway and gRegor joined the channel