#stream 2023-08-06
2023-08-06 UTC
Loqi [brianschrader.com] For all of the good things about Mastodon and the Fediverse more broadly, the technology has so far struggled to spread far outside of tech circles and into the broader public. Mastodon especially is pretty big these days, but its mostly filled with a lot of computer nerds like... (http://brianschrader.com/archive/building-bots-for-fun-and8230/)

Loqi__, angelo_, [Jo] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Loqi [fosstodon.org/@mo8it] What database do you prefer as a user of a self-hosted app? I want to support only one for ... (https://fosstodon.org/@mo8it/110842740602123169)

Loqi [manton.org] I’m still waiting to see how DMs evolve in the fediverse before deciding what to do with Micro.blog, but one thing I’m sure of: we’re not going to have messaging that isn’t encrypted. Private replies to Mastodon users (which works now) will remain as a legacy feature,... (https://www.manton.org/2023/08/06/im-still-waiting.html)

Loqi [manton.org] Interesting what @dansup@mastodon.social is up to with a new messaging app called Sup. Early video demo is here. Sounds like it uses Mastodon to connect with users, but Signal protocol instead of ActivityPub for messaging. Meanwhile I still like Nostr’s approach to encrypted... (https://www.manton.org/2023/08/06/interesting-what-dansupmastodonsocial.html)

Loqi [deepthought.infullflow.net/@elmine] Fellow #wordpress #blogging #indieweb friends, I have a question you might have an answer to. I want to import my Mastodon posts into my blog. The question is how. Please read what I’m looking for. Boost when you think your network can help me.... (https://deepthought.infullflow.net/@elmine/110843578116155954)

IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [jeremycherfas] and [jacky] joined the channel
Loqi [nerdculture.de/@adanvers] Great essay."When browsing on the "normal web", it is increasingly required to disable at least part of your antifeatures-blockers to access content."Most of the time, I don’t bother anymore."Features Mastodon as the anti-"normal web" social media... (https://nerdculture.de/@adanvers/110843966995329715)

[schmarty] joined the channel
Loqi If you’ve ever wanted a one-page website for free, and the ability to connect your domain name to that website, also on the free plan(!), this new service looks really promising: realnice
#OnlineResilience #Indieweb (https://axbom.me/objects/4fc41802-acfb-47ed-b5c4-70497a38f0d5)

[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Loqi If you’ve ever wanted a one-page website for free, and the ability to connect your domain name to that website, also on the free plan(!), this new service looks really promising: realnice
#OnlineResilience #Indieweb (https://memo.axbom.com/2023/08/06/if-youve-ever.html)

gRegor joined the channel