#stream 2023-08-15

2023-08-15 UTC
[mastodon.world/@jasonmcfadden] Status Cafe On My Neocities Site #statuscafe, #neocities, #blogging #indiewebhttp://jasonjournals.com/2023/08/14/status-cafe-on-my-neocities-site/ (https://mastodon.world/@jasonmcfadden/110891286483758699)
[schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@iamschulz] I'm a bit overwhelmed. There's nextcloudpi. Using that now. It's usually for singe-purpose machines, but they have a container as well. But I read it's being deprecated? Then there's Nextcloud AIO? For Enterprise?... (https://indieweb.social/@iamschulz/110893405912418288)
[ioc.exchange/@ApisNecros] RIP, looks like my #HomeServer is down for the day. Luckily my blog can still be found on #IPFS.#IndieWeb https://dweb.link/ipns/vzqk50.com (https://ioc.exchange/@ApisNecros/110894101490431269)
[campegg], [snarfed], [benatwork], [KevinMarks]1, [campegg]1 and [Jo] joined the channel