#stream 2023-08-21
2023-08-21 UTC
Loqi [writingslowly.com] Yesterday I polished the look of the Writing Slowly website by switching to Matt Langford’s Tiny theme, and adding some font and colour-scheme customisation of my own. So long as you’re not alergic to CSS, Micro.blog makes this very easy to do. Anyway, dear reader, I hope you... (https://writingslowly.com/2023/08/20/yesterday-i-polished.html)

Loqi [fosstodon.org/@jd7h] After 10+ years of building my personal website with Jekyll, I took the leap and wrote my own static site generator based on makesite.py. It's great to work in the Python ecosystem now. I never got the hang of proper Gem-management, so updating Jekyll was always a bit of a chore.... (https://fosstodon.org/@jd7h/110926595581240702)

Loqi [barryfrost.com] I now have Bridgy Fed (https://fed.brid.gy) set up on my website. It does all the heavy lifting so that websites can be a part of the Fediverse. While I was aware of Bridgy Fed I hadn’t quite understood it. A few minutes with Ryan’s docs and all became clear.... (https://barryfrost.com/2023/08/i-now-have-bridgy-fed-https)

IWSlackGateway joined the channel
Loqi [cutie.city/@lostletters] The second 32bit.cafe Community #codejam theme is "character", so you know I had to make a tamagotchi shrine. I'm definitely more than a little rusty when it comes to coding, but the shrine is looking so cute! I can't wait to share it. If you're 18+ and want to join in on... (https://cutie.city/@lostletters/110927990200274836)

Hlo, [fluffy] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.online/@brentlineberry] Is there a good, free RSS-to-Email service out there? Seems like services put that feature in a paid tier. I’d just like to allow friends and family subscribe to my website in a low-tech way.#Indieweb #Email #Rss (https://mastodon.online/@brentlineberry/110928780388023175)

[aciccarello], [jacky] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Loqi [indieweb.social/@immarisabel] Tonight I felt empty of tasks. Mainly cause I did what I wanted on my website and now I just have to enjoy life and post. So I took a break. Tomorrow I code. For now I dream of the #indieweb wishing people I know would jump in. (https://indieweb.social/@immarisabel/110929306118530407)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@Kovah] I deeply enjoy the Fediverse and being part of the Indieweb with my website. Just joined another webring today. ☺️And this evening I put together a blog post about finally enjoying the internet again:... (https://mastodon.social/@Kovah/110929367975083488)

gRegor joined the channel