Loqi[c.im/@jake4480] Check out the Link Cache that @mavica_again started - a simple collection of links -- a great concept that I'm a fan of. It's one solution against a search monopoly that's degrading daily thanks to garbage AI search results. (And as we know, link pages are how the web USED to... (https://c.im/@jake4480/111042718778799576)
IWSlackGateway and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Loqi[mastodon.world/@jasonmcfadden] Finished coding my #Neocities simple Links page in Brackets today - awesome app! The page is just a blogroll. But the app UX and setup are super handy.Downloaded my whole HTML site, opened offline in Brackets, saw real-time edits in the browser live-preview, then uploaded the... (https://mastodon.world/@jasonmcfadden/111043147310132249)