#stream 2023-09-15
2023-09-15 UTC
petermolnar, aaronpk, [snarfed] and [dshanske] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.social/@keelan] I got the itch to fiddle around with another #jekyll theme for my personal website. There goes the next three days of productivity.#indieweb (https://mastodon.social/@keelan/111066258571385253)

IWSlackGateway joined the channel
Loqi [social.rossabaker.com/@ross] This starts an experiment publishing my own code snips. Migrating off GitHub is daunting, but this is an easy step.#GitHub #Indieweb (https://social.rossabaker.com/@ross/111067039176207713)

[Murray] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.variousbits.net/@dmje] Well, the very lovely dev of https://boredreading.com/ emailed asking for people to promote it. It's fun, it looks great, and works well, so consider this a promotion - if you want to read some interesting stuff, give it a go#reading #indieweb #blog #blogs (https://mastodon.variousbits.net/@dmje/111068434014532654)

[tantek] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.zaclys.com/@gustavI0] #ActivityPub est maintenant activé sur mon site https://laculturedelecran.com, vous pouvez le suivre sur posts@laculturedelecran.com ! (Bon on a rien posté depuis des lustres, mais on va relancer tout ça prochainement)
#indieWeb #fediverse (https://mastodon.zaclys.com/@gustavI0/111068749090917773)

[schmarty] joined the channel
Loqi [hachyderm.io/@liztai] Seriously, #Indieweb, is there a simple how-to page for brid.gy? It shouldn't be so hard to find 😅#TechnicalWriting (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/111069095258649975)

Loqi [hachyderm.io/@liztai] Hmm this could be a potentially useful guide for brid.gy. Whatever it is, maybe I need to flex my #TechnicalWriting skills by writing a dumb-as-a-rock guide for wordpress.com users, because that's what they need. I find tonnes of guides for static websites and WP.org, but not... (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/111069321044358458)

Loqi [werd.io/profile/benwerd] I'd prefer if this was default WordPress functionality - but the big lede is buried here. Hosted WordPress sites are getting fediverse compatibility. That's a huge deal. #Technology (https://werd.io/2023/wordpress-blogs-can-now-be-followed-in-the-fediverse-including)

gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Loqi [sfba.social/@dys_morphia] I need to add a blog roll to my blog, I think. Part of the whole vibe of returning to self managing web presence, both to show what/who my thoughts are in conversation with and as a resource for myself. Anyone have a nice format they’ve seen lately? I’m using #11ty to... (https://sfba.social/@dys_morphia/111070341026275790)

angelo, [capjamesg] and [dave] joined the channel
Loqi [hachyderm.io/@liztai] What drives me bonkers is that I did find a video walkthrough of installing Brid.gy on wordpress.com and even directed someone to it. I should've saved that link, but I thought I could find it again, but nooooah. #Indieweb wiki is a maze lol. (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/111071778915552461)

Loqi [hachyderm.io/@liztai] Mysteriously, Brid.gy is now backfeeding comments to my blog post. Maybe it just takes time or something. Huh. Yet, when I try to manually fetch webmentions, it says that it failed. We desperately need proper documentation for this lol.#Indieweb (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/111071751693652142)

Loqi [hachyderm.io/@liztai] Still haven't gotten past this drama. Honestly, I think I'm just hungry for classic #wuxia and there's so little of them these days.Also, I'm reposting this because I'm testing Brid.gy. Somehow I've set it up incorrectly and I can't for the life of me figure out how. However,... (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/111071766460360023)

[nsmsn] joined the channel