#stream 2023-09-23
2023-09-23 UTC
Loqi IndieWebify.Me - a guide to getting you on the IndieWeb (https://bookmarks.box464.com/m/312e3c23f7aa211749a8be81f31da893)

Loqi [herestomwiththeweather.com] In an earlier post this year, I documented a problem I found and this post attempts to describe the issue a little more clearly and a plan to work around it.... (https://herestomwiththeweather.com/2023/09/22/webfinger-expectations/)

Loqi [fosstodon.org/@dungeonHack] This morning I started working on some updates to AmigaSource, a web directory for Amiga resources. The site maintainer reached out to me last week about helping to improve it and I agreed.It's been a long time since I had to make a site that renders nicely in Mosaic...#Amiga... (https://fosstodon.org/@dungeonHack/111114950360521573)

Loqi [martymcgui.re] Well, it's a rainy day and a good day for someday projects. Also, oops, here's a post about a tiny site update that accidentally sprawled into a post about 6 (or 14) years of my relationships with Foursquare and the whole idea of sharing "check in"s (not 🐔s).... (https://martymcgui.re/2023/09/23/this-map-is-made-for-you-and-me/)

IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], schmarty, IWSlackGateway1, [schmarty], [tantek] and [catgirlinspace] joined the channel