#stream 2023-10-03
2023-10-03 UTC
Loqi [indieweb.social/@tchambers] #indieweb for the win. "In 2009, I got a #tumblr & it changed my life. Every single thing I have in life I owe to Tumblr.... I was working a really garbage temp job & kind of going nowhere, and like deeply, deeply depressed. .. this girl that I shared a cubicle with introduced me... (https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/111169245670447629)

Loqi [mastodon.online/@jrr] Finally after all these years I have a home online at jrr.digitalhttps://jrr.digital/2023/10/03/a-new-home.html#IndieWeb (https://mastodon.online/@jrr/111169715254983690)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@jkphl] If you're attending @marcthiele's and my border:none conference on October 26-27 and are in town anyway, you might be interested to know that @tantek.com and I will also be hosting the first #IndieWebCamp in #Nuremberg since 2018 right after #bono23 (on Saturday and Sunday).... (https://mastodon.social/@jkphl/111170163637683653)

gwg_, [aciccarello]1 and [campegg] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.world/@jasonmcfadden] @manton Nice point. #indieweb #fediverse The wild west web - open. Corporate/commercial web - closed. (https://mastodon.world/@jasonmcfadden/111171820468428265)

[nsmsn] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Loqi [manton.org] Dave Winer:
“Open web” is redundant
I like IndieWeb because it emphasizes smaller, more distributed sites run by people, not big companies. But Dave is right. The default for the web is openness. (https://www.manton.org/2023/10/03/dave-winer-open.html)

[schmarty], [nsmsn] and [bneil] joined the channel