#stream 2023-10-15

2023-10-15 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
Bridgy Fed (#BridgyFed) recently added support for federating @-@-mentions to #Mastodon: https://fed.brid.gy/docs#mention... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://tantek.com/2023/287/t1/federating-mentions)
Definitely liking how ActivityPub works with my two blogs. (They are at @elizabethtai.com@elizabethtai.com and @dramatea88.wordpress.com@dramatea88.wordpress.com However, there are a few limitations:You can’t add followers to the Fediverse accountI do not know of a way to log... (https://elizabethtai.com/2023/10/15/some-flaws-with-activitypub-and-wordpress-com-integration/)
[tantek.com] Bridgy Fed (#BridgyFed) recently added support for federating @-@-mentions to #Mastodon: https://fed.brid.gy/docs#mention... (http://tantek.com/2023/287/t1/federating-mentions)
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] #webrings watchNo. 14: #freespeech #webring https://thecozy.cat/web-revival/join-the-webring/Are you a first amendment fanatic? Well then, does Aevisia have the clique for you! Check it out! Sign up! #indieweb #smallweb #webdev #html #code #programming #web (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111238168854958310)
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] #webrings watchNo. 14: #freespeech #webring https://thecozy.cat/web-revival/join-the-webring/Are you a first amendment fanatic? Well then, does @TheCozyCat have the clique for you! Check it out! Sign up! #indieweb #smallweb #webdev #html #code #programming #web (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111238381771908483)
[mastodon.social/@jstepien] Drafting a short piece on a smaller, lighter web, and on web grazers. Anyone wants to review an early draft? #SmallWeb #smolweb #indieweb (https://mastodon.social/@jstepien/111238505822121752)
[indieweb.social/@aaronbieber] Decided to stop waiting for this to be "done" and just post it.https://therebelweb.org/If you are passionate about bringing back the simple, fun, self-owned web, and you have some webmaster chops, please consider contributing!Please boost!#indieweb #webmaster #web1 #html #css... (https://indieweb.social/@aaronbieber/111238858335795531)
[KevinMarks], [Jo] and GWG joined the channel