#stream 2023-10-18

2023-10-18 UTC
[mstdn.social/@josephholsten] This made me think about finally adding “card” metadata to my pages after me resisting these non-open standards for ages.Of course, the Twitter dev docs have a Not Found in the middle of their Summary Card example:... (https://mstdn.social/@josephholsten/111253264333082374)
gRegorLove_, gRegor, [pfefferle], hoschi-it, [tantek], [manton], [Jo] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[adactio.com] How to fix the internet | MIT Technology Review... (https://adactio.com/links/20566)
gRegor, gRegorLove_, [marksuth] and angelo joined the channel
^ that's worth blogging about, if you have a specific opinion, and (hash)tag MIT in case they're looking for that sort of thing
I just shared the same thing in #indieweb
[schmarty], [aciccarello] and angelo joined the channel
[mastodon.radio/@robbinespu] Webmention are not working well this month.Sender : webmention.app ❌ Receiver : webmention.io ❌https://journal.robbi.my/notes/231018054658/#webmention #indieweb #indiewebsocial (https://mastodon.radio/@robbinespu/111258468365479561)