#stream 2023-10-21

2023-10-21 UTC
[Dan] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] #webrings watch No. 19silly city... (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111273037665011952)
[aciccarello] and [capjamesg] joined the channel
[hachyderm.io/@byjp] @dave I’ve been looking for a way to share my reading list on my (#indieweb) blog!Are you aware of a way to codify them? An OPML feed with a particular tag? Specific micro format codes? (Perhaps it bakes into microsub?)Is there a list of clients that support the “subscribe”... (https://hachyderm.io/@byjp/111274002348092293)
[fosstodon.org/@rubenwardy] I've redesigned my blog and switched to #Eleventy!It was getting quite painful to use #Jekyll, I wanted automatic thumbnail generation and more control. By switching to Eleventy, I've been able to replace my mess of scripts and template code with much simpler JS. It also unlocks... (https://fosstodon.org/@rubenwardy/111274863108142780)
[catgirlinspace] joined the channel
[tenforward.social/@kcarrandale] Instead of doing work for my web development class, today I've been reading articles and watching videos about digital gardens, obsidian, and personal websites. Oops?#DigitalGarden #IndieWeb #Obsidian (https://tenforward.social/@kcarrandale/111275380627604307)