#stream 2023-10-24

2023-10-24 UTC
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] Really fun to see indieweb concepts like POSSE gain attention again.... (https://werd.io/2023/posse-a-better-way-to-post-on-social-networks)
[tantek] joined the channel
Great article on #POSSE by David Pierce (@davidpierce@mastodon.social @pierce) @Verge:... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://tantek.com/2023/296/t1/posse-syndicate-link-reply)
[tantek.com] Great article on #POSSE by David Pierce (@davidpierce@mastodon.social @pierce) @Verge:... (http://tantek.com/2023/296/t1/posse-syndicate-link-reply)
bobcat, [KevinMarks] and k joined the channel
[tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter] How I am blogging the IndieWeb way – Elizabeth Tai https://elizabethtai.com/2023/07/03/how-i-am-blogging-the-indieweb-way/ #Blog #IndieWeb (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/111288955452631806)
[indieweb.social/@grgml] #POSSE getting traction in the mainstream, let's fucking gooo!"The idea is that you, the poster, should post on a website that you own. Not an app that can go away and take all your posts with it, not a platform with ever-shifting rules and algorithms. Your... (https://indieweb.social/@grgml/111289133138066735)
[Ana_R] joined the channel
[mato.social/@josemurilo] #IndieWeb #Revolution... (https://mato.social/@josemurilo/111289645414276536)
[calumryan], [snarfed], HiMYSYeD and [alanmoo] joined the channel
[manton.org] This one ended a little more quickly than I expected:... (https://www.manton.org/2023/10/24/pebble-is-shutting.html)
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter] YAY! My host enabled RSS discovery on my website! I tried to figure out how I can have the H Entry tags and still keep my theme, so I can submit to some #IndieWeb places, but no luck there. Oh well, now it should be easier to find my RSS feed. https://robertkingett.com/ #RSS (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/111291496208041925)
[mastodon.design/@nolwennm] Je découve l'idée de "POSSE": Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Everywhere. The idea is that you should post on a website that you own. Not an app that can go away and take all your posts with it, not a platform with ever-shifting rules and algorithms. Your website. But... (https://mastodon.design/@nolwennm/111291480157608105)
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] #webrings watch No. 22retronaut #webring ... (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111291696493087275)
[aciccarello] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[stefanbohacek.online/@stefan] Do you keep old versions of your personal website?https://version.stefanbohacek.dev#webdev #WebDesign #portfolio #uxui #design #PersonalSite #IndieWebYes (Show me!) Yes (Not online) No I don't have a personal website (https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/111291848128827371)
[jamietanna] joined the channel