#stream 2023-11-05

2023-11-05 UTC
miklb, IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], [jacky], [KevinMarks], [schmarty], [fluffy] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[typo.social/@Luke] Kirby & Mastodon:https://github.com/fundevogel/kirby3-mastodon#posse #posseWeb #webmentions #indieWeb #mastodon #kirby #getkirby (https://typo.social/@Luke/111356248950278822)
gRegor joined the channel
[typo.social/@Luke] There's a cookbook for adding #IndieAuth to your #getKirby site by Lukas Bestie:https://getkirby.com/docs/cookbook/integrations/indieauth#posseWeb #IndieWeb #WebDev #blogging #OAuth #RelMe #kirby (https://typo.social/@Luke/111356294259942784)
[typo.social/@Luke] Bastian Allgeier wrote a #webMentions plugin for #getKirby8 years ago: https://github.com/bastianallgeier/kirby-webmentions #posse #posseWeb #webdev #IndieWeb (https://typo.social/@Luke/111356286862224345)
[tantek], gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] #webrings watch No. 31the VOCALOID #webring ... (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111357186558359286)
[indieweb.social/@janboddez] Bookmarked [Discover the IndieWeb, one blog post at a time](https://indieblog.page/all).↬ [Chuck Grimmett](https://cagrimmett.com/likes/16e3de6cf8/)#indieweb #WebFeeds(https://bddz.be/GZN) (https://indieweb.social/@janboddez/111357164770792039)
Bookmarked Discover the IndieWeb, one blog post at a time.↬ Chuck Grimmetthttps://jan.boddez.net/notes/3f3a6bc46e (https://jan.boddez.net/notes/3f3a6bc46e)
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@matthiasott] Issue 2 of #OwnYourWeb is out. 🥳This time, we’re looking at one of the first things every website needs: a domain name.Plus links to posts by @michelle, @jimniels, @davidpierce, Manuel Moreale (https://manuelmoreale.com), and more.Personal site of the (every other) week by... (https://mastodon.social/@matthiasott/111357402713293686)
barnaby and barnabywalters joined the channel
I've been using the indieConnector plugin by mauricerenck with #Kirby. #POSSE #IndieWeb (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://srijan.ch/notes/2023-11-05-001)
[KevinMarks], barnaby, barnabywalters, [jacky], [Caleb_Hearth] and angelo joined the channel
[josh.tel/@josh] Today's adventures in self-hosting involve me getting way more familiar with how exactly #BookWyrm works!Super grateful to @tripofmice for all of their work on this awesome project, and for being such a wonderfully welcoming maintainer, and cultivating a friendly and supportive... (https://josh.tel/@josh/111359660551409830)
barnaby joined the channel
[werd.social/@ben] I wrote some thoughts about community and belonging as part of this month's #indieweb carnival. https://werd.io/2023/belonging-and-community (https://werd.social/@ben/111359754642648653)
gRegorLove_, [catgirlinspace] and barnaby joined the channel
[paulrobertlloyd.com] Nuremberg is a beautiful Bavarian city. At least, I think it is, my undecidedness the result of spending much of my time there sat inside Orpheum for border:none and Tollwerk for IndieWebCamp.Apart from Friday, when I took myself to the DB Museum, the few chances I got to see the... (https://paulrobertlloyd.com/2023/309/a1/indieweb_nuremberg/)
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] I love the indieweb carnival. Every month, a new blogger hosts a topic on their website, and everyone else is invited to post about it on theirs. Webmentions link it all together, allowing anyone to browse through all the different points of view and modes of expression. It’s... (https://werd.io/2023/belonging-and-community)
[social.coop/@J12t] Remember The Well? Pioneering on-line community, still around after almost 40 years.This week and next, it will host an on-line discussion on the #Fediverse and #indieweb.... (https://social.coop/@J12t/111360417336595190)
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel