#stream 2023-11-08

2023-11-08 UTC
[typo.social/@Luke] Interested in #RelMeAutho or #IndieAuth?... (https://typo.social/@Luke/111372035949885830)
what is kirby
Kirby is a filed-based CMS written in PHP https://indieweb.org/Kirby
Good relmeauth page on kirby docs (already on /kirby), though it points people to indieauth.com service, could propose some improved text for it.
[social.lol/@flamed] ๐Ÿ“ New Post: The Art of Hyperlinking: Are your hyperlinks meaningful?https://flamedfury.com/posts/the-art-of-hyperlinking/#indieweb #Web #blog (https://social.lol/@flamed/111372222568049972)
hmm, sorry that was an old copy/paste buffer
[tantek] and [capjamesg] joined the channel
[mastodon.world/@hamatti] There's no shame in not finishing your hobby projects. Worrying about that is pointless.There is still benefit in finishing projects. The Cult of Done Manifesto has a brilliant 13th entry: "Done is the engine of more".By finishing things, you'll inspire more work, you gain... (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/111374074384746087)
[mastodon.world/@hamatti] Today marks the 78th blog post (including Syntax Error newsletters) that I've published this year.I still have bunch written and waiting to be published but won't quite hit 100 post milestone this year. Maybe next year?#blogging #writing #IndieWeb (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/111374027953919967)
[layer8.space/@sebastianlaube] Remember when browsers used to display an RSS icon in the URL bar when feeds were available on that website?After the lost decade in social media, can we please bringt that back now?#Firefox #Browser #IndieWeb #RSS (https://layer8.space/@sebastianlaube/111374796056620546)
[social.synesthesia.co.uk/@julian] Digital Garden moves to 11ty #PKM #ToolsForThought #IndieWeb #11ty Migrated my Digital garden from Gatsby to Eleventy, using a modified fork of the excellent rothsandro/eleventy-notes https://www.synesthesia.co.uk/stream/digital-garden-moves-to-11ty/ (https://social.synesthesia.co.uk/@julian/111374800037543691)
Bookmarked A cohesive and unified identity for IndieWeb protocols ยท Paul Robert Lloyd.https://jan.boddez.net/notes/2e7f049d83 (https://jan.boddez.net/notes/2e7f049d83)
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
[sfba.social/@dys_morphia] If you save/archive websites you like in personal backup in some way, how do you archive them and how do you organize your archive so you can find them later?(Please boost and/or suggest better hashtags to help me reach the right interest group)#archive #IndieWeb (https://sfba.social/@dys_morphia/111375818532727012)
gRegor, anon, [tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] #webrings watch No. 34Websets by Lynn #webring ... (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111376370095639283)
[marksuth] joined the channel
[adactio.com] John Willshire has been pondering web marginilia AKA stuff you put in your sidebar.... (https://adactio.com/journal/20608)
[indieweb.social/@bobmonsour] Issue 21 of the 11ty Bundle is out: A new mascot for 11ty...Another free hosting option...A new front matter option...And 10 posts and 6 sites to see. @eleventy #11ty #eleventy #staticsitegenerators #indiewebhttps://11tybundle.dev/blog/11ty-bundle-21/ (https://indieweb.social/@bobmonsour/111376771517713344)
[snarfed] and barnaby joined the channel
[fedi.esgeroth.org/@prijks] Dear Fediverse,How do I make my friends have RSS feeds? Thanks in advance. Kind Regards, Pete P.S. #rss #askfedi #indieweb (https://fedi.esgeroth.org/@prijks/111377419751200255)