#stream 2023-11-30

2023-11-30 UTC
[jgarber] joined the channel
[fosstodon.org/@jamesravey] The new #Kurzgesagt video is a really good lay summary of #SocialSorting and a rallying call for an #indieweb style web and a return to BBs. I did groan when the narrator referred to "the pre-social media internet that old people might remember"... (https://fosstodon.org/@jamesravey/111498551690458389)
[jamietanna] joined the channel
[floss.social/@mcepl] @aaronpk I am certainly not the first one who noticed that the former champion of use-your-own-server and #Indieweb has as his three links only corporate monosilos, right? (https://floss.social/@mcepl/111499175016295859)
[thegoblin.market/@lazcorp] Some thoughts on blogs (esp. my own) and how I want them to work in an open webhttps://www.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/blogs/artists-notebook/posts/the-return-of-the-blogroll#blog #blogging #BlogPost #ActivityPub #IndieWeb #blogroll (https://thegoblin.market/@lazcorp/111499887323582540)
[tantek] joined the channel
are they talking about profile links?
[floss.social/@mcepl] @aaronpk You are right, I missed your home page (because somehow green fell into the background). I am thinking a lot these days about (and buying) websites in between: professionally managed but not “you are the product to be sold” ones. Paid-for independent services.... (https://floss.social/@mcepl/111500198522835841)
[snarfed] joined the channel
A Faircamp Guide for Lazy People, by Lazy PeopleOr, how I learned to stop using Bandcamp and start embracing free and open music distribution tools.This post is going to serve as a somewhat quick and dirty guide for tech-literate music producers to spin up your own Faircamp site.... (https://novakeith.net/2023/11/30/a-faircamp-guide-for-lazy-people-by-lazy-people/)
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Interesting, the floss.social site has a border on photos missing alt text.
a few instances do that
[chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks] and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel