#stream 2023-12-23

2023-12-23 UTC
[manton] joined the channel
[holonet.social/@justin] Thanks to this handy guide, I worked up a new #mastodon share button on my website! It posts the link and tags me. The #fediverse and #indieweb are so freaking cool! https://www.bentasker.co.uk/posts/documentation/general/adding-a-share-on-mastodon-button-to-a-website.html (https://holonet.social/@justin/111627302509566201)
Shannon joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@blogdiva] 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 "Rationally, I understand that the adoption of an #indieweb protocol by the biggest social media company in the world feels super exciting... But for me, knowing what I do about the hundreds of opportunities to reduce actual-dead-kids harm that #Meta has... (https://mastodon.social/@blogdiva/111627357764167537)
[hcommons.social/@ryanrandall] Curious how one might make a bookmarks page with a #Jekyll based site?Well, I've just added one! Maybe check it out? #indieWeb #digitalGarden https://www.ryanpatrickrandall.com/bookmarks/ (https://hcommons.social/@ryanrandall/111627605482575990)
[tantek] joined the channel
[urbanists.social/@cassey] So... Are there RSS reader apps out there right now that are really good at being RSS readers? With nice modern UX? If not, why not? Is it a hard technical challenge or more one that's considered not worth pursuing due to lack of potential users who'd want it?... (https://urbanists.social/@cassey/111628331024487722)
[piaille.fr/@TachesDeThe] Un article de @ploum a interpellΓ© Daoro et Mayeu, qui recherchent un web plus ouvert, loin de celui pourri par la chasse aux profits.https://taches-de-the.fm/episode-41/morcellement-des-toiles/avec un peu de @ChatonsOrg dedans, mais aussi : #openWeb #indieWeb #podcast... (https://piaille.fr/@TachesDeThe/111628884491889964)
[jamietanna], [KevinMarks] and peterkaminski joined the channel
that question re: readers is a good one
gRegorLove_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] A sober breakdown of what it may mean for Meta's new social network to finally join the open social web (aka the fediverse).... (https://werd.io/2023/untangling-threads)
[toot.lqdev.tech/@lqdev] (We)blogging Rewind 2023 #weblogging #quantifiedself #indieweb https://www.luisquintanilla.me/feed/weblogging-rewind-2023?utm_medium=feed (https://toot.lqdev.tech/@lqdev/111631402971300999)
[chaos.social/@SoniEx2] Acabamos de fazer uma nova spec FediLinks, introduzindo URIs web+feed para feeds tipo Atom: https://fedilinks.org/spec/pt/5-O-URI-web-feed@fedilinks#FediLinks #Atom #Feeds #IndieWeb (https://chaos.social/@SoniEx2/111631786962817551)
[mastodon.online/@mstrkapowski] I'm currently sorting through an export of ~2900 posts from various old blogs of mine, with the goal of getting a lot of it back online in the next few days/months. The oldest recoverable post was from 2002. I was still a teenager at the time! #blogging #indieweb (https://mastodon.online/@mstrkapowski/111632106202018760)
Al_Abut joined the channel