#stream 2023-12-28

2023-12-28 UTC
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@kiko] @J12t The #fediverse is just one side of the coin. But combined with the #indieweb movement and a lot more technical improvements there could be grow a true Social Web, where liberation and taking control by the users is not only a marketing phrase. (https://indieweb.social/@kiko/111655160429094085)
ovid, [tantek] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@benpate] @evan Here’s my take, hope it helps?https://github.com/benpate/sherlockSherlock is a #Golang library that assembles any data/metadata it can find on a URL (including #WebFinger, #RSS, #OpenGraph, and #IndieWeb #MicroFormats ) and returns an #ActivityStream back to its caller.... (https://mastodon.social/@benpate/111656442464142178)
[jacky] joined the channel
[social.lol/@flamed] 📝 New Post: Relics Of The Webhttps://flamedfury.com/posts/relics-of-the-web/Tidying up a few pages I started writing a year ago and combined them into a blog post. Let me know what you think...#web #indieweb #blog #blogging (https://social.lol/@flamed/111657286468840241)
gRegor and [tw2113] joined the channel
[floss.social/@downey] Should people seen as #Fediverse or #IndieWeb leaders be funded by #BigTech? #poll #boostsAppreciatedStrong yes Qualified yes Qualified no Strong no (https://floss.social/@downey/111659178231168550)
[manton.org] Blogs and social networks talking to each other is still kind of magic. If you’re on the latest version of Micro.blog’s Alpine theme, replies from Bluesky can now flow into Micro.blog via Bridgy. We’ll be updating all the blog themes to support this, or you can modify your... (https://www.manton.org/2023/12/28/bluesky-replies-via.html)
[schmarty] and gRegor joined the channel
[techhub.social/@manlycoffee] I'm on the "it's better than nothing" camp.But maybe someone can enlighten me otherwise https://floss.social/@downey/111659178231168550#Fediverse #IndieWeb #BigTech (https://techhub.social/@manlycoffee/111659322702273160)
[plush.city/@fluffy] @cwebber This line of thinking is why I still prefer #IndieWeb as the future of distributed social networking, and why I keep hoping IndieAuth + Ticket Auth (or something similar) goes somewhere to improve how we handle private/friends-only/limited-audience posts (which is the... (https://plush.city/@fluffy/111659324361046658)
[social.yesterweb.org/@triptych] #smallweb site of the day - https://www.cyberdragon.digital/ #indieweb (https://social.yesterweb.org/@triptych/111659427967258722)
[manton] has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (41 in all channels)
the irony of that "should be funded ..." poll being conducted by someone whose bio itself says "For hire." 👀
some (most?) of us want to actually build & contribute IndieWeb/OpenWeb things sustainably, which means getting paid. Less time spent worrying about how to get paid means more time being spent making constructive things to advance the IndieWeb/OpenWeb.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[mastodon.world/@hamatti] One more website update before the end of 2023.I added a blog roll page https://hamatti.org/blog/roll/ and a randomly picked blog from the roll on the sidebar on any of my blog main page or individual post (on wider screens).For a future feature, I'd like to display the latest... (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/111659827174071526)
[manton] joined the channel
Agreed re: sustainability