#stream 2023-12-31

2023-12-31 UTC
[social.lol/@bix] I feel like this is a flaw in how #Webmentions are conceived and executed. Why are “likes” implemented in ways that also allow them to be responses? Replies should be replies and likes should be likes. #IndieWeb (https://social.lol/@bix/111672251326301463)
^ I am confused by that. Who is writing comments (replies) as likes?!?
yeah i think the confusion is thinking that "webmention" means reply
tho i don't quite understand this from the parent post https://social.lol/@bix/111672240754476080
"some people use webmention likes to write responses, which confuses the matter"
exactly that is confusing
who? permalink?
[social.lol/@flamed] Updated my links page https://flamedfury.com/links/My bestie @xandra is blogging now so had to add her new blog to the blogroll!Go read https://library.xandra.cc/everyone-should-blog/ now!#smallweb #openweb #indieweb #web (https://social.lol/@flamed/111673051475297008)
[indw.social/@bryan] New year, new blog: reflections on federated blogging, one year laterhttps://writings.bryan.lv/new-year-new-blog-reflections-on-federated-blogging-one-year-later/#fediverse #federated #blog #indieweb #ghost (https://indw.social/@bryan/111673544760792448)
[pfefferle], [tantek], [KevinMarks] and Nsjdjfh joined the channel
[sunny.garden/@phoebe] The People's Coalition of Tandy General MIDI Competition is accepting submissions! Look at this excellent web design and submit if you like:https://midicompetition.pcotandy.org/2024/signup.html#midi #music #indieweb (https://sunny.garden/@phoebe/111675579035216538)
[thegoblin.market/@lazcorp] I don't know which was my most popular blog post for 2023 (because I removed all the analytics trackers in order to keep my focus on writing what I wanted instead of what was popular), but this is probably my personal favourite of my 34 blog posts from 2023:Standalone but... (https://thegoblin.market/@lazcorp/111675618036717195)
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Yay, I wanted to log into my linkblog using IndieAuth but for some reason that’s not working anymore since the last update of the IndieAuth WordPress plugin. Guess that’s something to debug in the New Year then.https://lostfocus.de/2023/12/31/231932/#IndieAuth #Indieweb... (https://lostfocus.de/2023/12/31/231932/)
[fosstodon.org/@chrisod] Today is the 28th anniversary of creating my first webpage.https://odonnellweb.com/pelican/2023.html#blog #IndieWeb (https://fosstodon.org/@chrisod/111675866287691987)
^ GWG are you notified when Loqi mentions WordPress Plugin in this channel?
Not when I'm driving
Stopped to pick up a snack... he didn't file an issue
villasbc@mastodon.social -- yep, and there's the #indieweb movement you should check out to help you get started in making a "sociable blog" which I would love to subsctibe to.... (https://micro.blog/starrwulfe/28616907)
[hachyderm.io/@Two9A] Guess I'll join in on #newyear ...One thing I'm thankful for this year: Steve Huffman screwing up at Reddit. The 3rd-party debacle shut down the app I used, and I emerged from the dark hole in which I'd dwelt for ten years.Blinking in the sudden light of the #indieweb I joined... (https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A/111676575809586852)
jacky and saschanaz joined the channel
[beesbuzz.biz] Everyone else is doing one so I’d might as well too.... (http://beesbuzz.biz/blog/10222-Year-in-review-2023)
barnaby joined the channel
Writing about writing: capture first, edit & publish later.... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://tantek.com/2023/365/t1/capture-first-edit-publish-later)
No large language models (LLM) were used in the production of this post.... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://tantek.com/2023/365/t2/no-large-language-model-llm-used)