#stream 2024-01-02

2024-01-02 UTC
jacky and kubie joined the channel
[manton.org] The draft of the book is in Ulysses, each of the 70+ chapters as sheets, and the web site is hosted on Micro.blog with a couple theme tweaks for the contents sidebar. I wrote a little Ruby script that will push all my changes from Markdown files back up to Micro.blog, via... (https://www.manton.org/2024/01/01/the-draft-of.html)
[social.lol/@flamed] 📝 New Post: Monthly Recap December 2023Amazing at how long these posts end up being 🔥 https://flamedfury.com/posts/monthly-recap-december-2023/#blog #web #indieweb #SmallWeb (https://social.lol/@flamed/111684116370987287)
amazing! congrats on the book moving forward [manton]++
[manton] has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (42 in all channels)
chrismabry joined the channel
[beesbuzz.biz] I forgot to check up on my previous annual goals post, but better late than never, right?... (http://beesbuzz.biz/blog/1017-2023-goal-checkup-2024-aspirations)
Time to begin again: restarting my #100Days of #IndieWeb project for 2024, as a #100Posts of IndieWeb project, and congrats to the IndieWeb community on a fully completed 2023 IndieWeb Gift Calendar!... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://tantek.com/2024/001/t1/restarting-100days-indieweb-gift-calendar)
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Time to begin again: restarting my #100Days of #IndieWeb project for 2024, as a #100Posts of IndieWeb project, and congrats to the IndieWeb community on a fully completed 2023 IndieWeb Gift Calendar!Last year I completed 48 out of a planned 100 posts in my #100DaysOfIndieWeb... (https://tantek.com/2024/001/t1/restarting-100days-indieweb-gift-calendar)
[tantek.com] Time to begin again: restarting my #100Days of #IndieWeb project for 2024, as a #100Posts of IndieWeb project, and congrats to the IndieWeb community on a fully completed 2023 IndieWeb Gift Calendar!... (http://tantek.com/2024/001/t1/restarting-100days-indieweb-gift-calendar)
[Jo] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@person72443] When you read a 2023 "state of the #blog" type post from your favorite writers, what do you want to hear about? Which posts were most popular? What the author has changed their mind on? Other things?#indiewebsocial #indieweb #blogging #stateoftheblog (https://mastodon.social/@person72443/111685649291499520)
[mammut.gogreenit.net/@chewie] @berniethewordsmith @anildash ... (https://mammut.gogreenit.net/@chewie/111685716880583415)
[toot.re/@dvk] Redid the CSS for my personal site by basically throwing away everything and only adding back some global styles.You might find it ugly, but it's mine. ❤️ https://www.dannyvankooten.com/#indieweb (https://toot.re/@dvk/111686712565529679)
[infosec.exchange/@shellsharks] I’ve decided to dedicate 95% of my #Threads personality to yammering on about #Mastodon / the #fediverse and why people should #joinmastodon (and abandon Threads). As an example, here is my most recent plea to the #infosec folks of Threads to create Mastodon accounts and invest... (https://infosec.exchange/@shellsharks/111686987407545229)
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] Oooh bby! Guess who's hosting the 8th edition of IndieWeb Carnival:https://foreverliketh.is/blog/indieweb-carnival-january-2024-positive-internalization/Take some time this month to dwell (and write!) on your good!#indieweb #smallweb #blog #writing #hugo #web #webdev #internet... (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111687074739064766)
[xoxo.zone/@artlung] @techlifeweb A few years ago I went back before I used the IFTTT process and imported older IG posts, I put that code online. https://github.com/artlung/InstalooterToWordPress Though IG is not crawler or backup friendly, it worked at the time. #indieweb page on IG is worth a... (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/111687256707143583)
[Isaac_Hudson] joined the channel
[tech.lgbt/@lark] My current special interest is the Gemini protocol. It's a stripped-down alternative to HTTP.https://geminiprotocol.net/And now I'm hosting a blog there!HTTP: https://lark.gay Gemini: gemini://lark.gay#Gemini #SmallWeb #IndieWeb (https://tech.lgbt/@lark/111687104522072482)
[fosstodon.org/@JanMiksovsky] I wish it were possible to create more complex sites just with HTML and CSS — but any aspiring web author learning to create a site that way quickly finds some very common task that’s impossible in plain HTML and CSS.#indieweb (https://fosstodon.org/@JanMiksovsky/111687471999988228)
fluffy and jacky joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@inautilo] #Business #Celebrations The web is fantastic · As long as we are not talking about the entire web https://ilo.im/15xj8d#SocialMedia #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #Website #Blog #BlogRoll #RSS #WebMention #HyperLink (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/111687772387776916)
[indieweb.social/@jaredwhite] I'm pleased to inform you I don't feel the need to work on a drastic redesign of my personal homepage/blog this year. I'm generally pretty happy with it. https://jaredwhite.comHOWEVER…I have a TON of small tweaks and various content updates in mind to add to the site. I also... (https://indieweb.social/@jaredwhite/111687877600183716)
gRegor, [aciccarello], angelo and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel