#stream 2024-01-14
2024-01-14 UTC
[Murray], [Joe_Crawford] and gRegor joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.me.uk/@gilest] hey look Elliott's been working on something coolhttps://elliott.computer/palm/intro.html#indieweb (https://mastodon.me.uk/@gilest/111753390489803701)

Loqi [aus.social/@mvyrmnd] So i just started a dumb #indieweb blog, putting into action my desire to see the #smallweb come back in 2024. It's all done in a text editor, as light as possible. It's entirely self hosted and even better I just got RSS working! (https://aus.social/@mvyrmnd/111753770206223615)

Loqi Hello fediverse,... (https://pleroma.envs.net/objects/4047e2dd-96c8-49b3-b6cd-a06fc2c0b07b)

[Serena] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.social/@inautilo] #Business
Where have all the websites gone? · Why are we so unhappy with the state of the web? https://ilo.im/15xmm6_____
#Web #SocialMedia #Curation #Website #Blog #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Design #Development (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/111753974004004069)

Loqi [bigshoulders.city/@EvanHahn] "If we seriously, truly want the independent, non-enshittified personal web to flourish, we need to make it easier for people to join in." https://gilest.org/indie-easy.html#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #programming #design (https://bigshoulders.city/@EvanHahn/111754470594881840)

Loqi [dmv.community/@jcrabapple] Based on the 3+ days of likes and boosts my post about #StreetPass is getting, I think a lot more people will be using that extension and hopefully discovering all the great #indieweb blogs on the #fediverse! (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/111754724671157080)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore] One of the first videos that I watched when I decided that I wanted to learn to watercolor paint was "The Complete Beginner's Guide to Watercolor". ... (https://mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore/111754781197796058)

Hy joined the channel
Loqi [social.coop/@jsit] @gilest I haven't seen MacPaw's RapidWeaver mentioned in these replies: https://www.realmacsoftware.com/rapidweaver/#IndieWeb (https://social.coop/@jsit/111755053750758608)

Loqi [werd.io/profile/benwerd] Given all the talk lately of Threads, Mastodon, and ways that people can publish on their own sites, I thought it might be worth revisiting what the fediverse actually is — and why an organization might want to integrate with it.My focus is on media organizations, but remember... (https://werd.io/2024/the-fediverse-for-media-organizations)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@inautilo] #Development #Challenges
Let’s make the indie web easier · “We need more than WordPress.” https://ilo.im/15xm2z_____
#Website #Blog #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #WebDev #Frontend #Backend #CMS #WebsiteTool #Hosting (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/111755483902161483)

Loqi [mastodon.online/@mstrkapowski] back down the debugging rabbit-hole I go… #indieweb (https://mastodon.online/@mstrkapowski/111755553300410950)

Loqi [cosocial.ca/@jszym] Everything on the #IndieWeb wiki looks insanely cool, and there is a lot of documentation, but am I the only one who hasn't a clue how to adopt 99% of what is on there?#ActivityPub and #Fedi might be hard for folks to grok at first, but the on-ramp for #WebMentions for me looks... (https://cosocial.ca/@jszym/111755537712365504)

gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Loqi [hachyderm.io/@reillypascal] New blog post! This one's about making a comment section for my static site using Netlify and Supabase for backend, and vanilla JavaScript for the frontend.https://reillyspitzfaden.com/blogposts/01-14-2024#webdev #blog #developer #javascript #netlify #supabase #postgres... (https://hachyderm.io/@reillypascal/111755397146482517)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@RobertaFidora] More on the #SoundCloud front, but with new options for musicians coming to the fore every day through communities on here who're bored of buyouts and meaninglessness in streaming, it seems like we're maybe already moving towards something better.... (https://mastodon.social/@RobertaFidora/111756464476801488)

Loqi [toot.lqdev.tech/@lqdev] Migrating from Substack to self-hosted Ghost #substack #selfhost #indieweb https://www.luisquintanilla.me/feed/migrating-substack-self-hosted-ghost-white?utm_medium=feed (https://toot.lqdev.tech/@lqdev/111756597169908270)

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Loqi [social.ds106.us/@johnjohnston] @cogdog @oldaily nope. I moved out big posterous to WordPress. ... (https://social.ds106.us/@johnjohnston/111756677378208083)

[KevinMarks] joined the channel