#stream 2024-01-16
2024-01-16 UTC
Loqi Talking about making IndieWeb easierI’d like to point you to a blog post that took three days to write. (My average post takes under an hour).This post in question is called “Let’s talk about making IndieWeb weirder and easier“. It is a reply to some other posts that say... (https://node.lordmatt.co.uk/2024/01/15/posts/talking-about-making-indieweb-easier/)

[tantek]1 ^ gives a weird interstitial of "To help us keep this website secure, please wait while we verify you're not a robot! It will only take a few seconds..." w/o JS
[tantek]1 interesting post from matt there with a bunch of insights worth considering. I don't agree with the entirety, but that's irrelevant. The key here is there some good thoughts there that are worth consideration by the community, especially with how we update /Generations etc.
jacky and to2ds joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.social/@andyinabox] This whole #indieweb thing is giving me some real warm fuzzy early 2000s XHTML nostalgia vibes (https://mastodon.social/@andyinabox/111764982534997665)

jacky, [KevinMarks] and [Ana_R] joined the channel
Loqi [dmv.community/@jcrabapple] Recently I've been reminded of how much fun the Internet can be. Thanks to all of you creating content, promoting content, and enabling others to create their content. This community is truly amazing.#fediverse #indieweb (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/111765634980183883)

Loqi [indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] Let’s talk about making IndieWeb weirder and easierI’ve been a huge fan of IndieWeb since I stumbled upon it one fateful day. While the specifics of how I found it are lost in the annals of history, my willingness to use it in every project has never abated. Well, the bits I... (https://lordmatt.co.uk/technology/the-internet/lets-talk-about-making-indieweb-weirder-and-easier/)

[calumryan] joined the channel
Loqi [ioc.exchange/@ApisNecros] New blog post today, Hellraiser.This is also the official start of a new category on my blog, People. This'll be a collection of short stories about various people I've met in my life that have impacted me in some way.https://www.vzqk50.com/blog/people/hellraiser/... (https://ioc.exchange/@ApisNecros/111766321366970696)

gRegor, [Al_Abut] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Loqi Morning new... (https://mindcreatesmeaning.com/morning-new/)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@ChrisHardie] Anyone have a tool/service to receive SMS messages into a public RSS feed? Part of my eternal quest to liberate important info that gov. agencies see fit to lock up in proprietary or hard-to-access formats. #indieweb #opendata #localnews (https://mastodon.social/@ChrisHardie/111767017801749280)

Loqi [indieweb.social/@bobmonsour] Issue 27 of the 11ty Bundle is out: Now serving over 900 posts...A new intro making the rounds...And 17 posts, and 3 sites to see.#11ty #eleventy #webdev #indieweb @zachleat
@eleventyhttps://11tybundle.dev/blog/11ty-bundle-27/ (https://indieweb.social/@bobmonsour/111767013479249216)

[manton] joined the channel
Loqi [indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] I've officially been blogging for 1 whole year! 🥳 365 days & 20 blog posts! Lessgo! I published my newest one today, but I'm just enjoying looking at all their cards right now.https://foreverliketh.is/blog/I remember when it was all empty (it came with my site's template) and... (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/111767114391334365)

[Al_Abut] That’s so awesome. I aspire to be writing the same thing in Jan 2025.
Loqi [adactio.com] Curation is the last best hope of intelligent discourse. — Joan Westenberg... (https://adactio.com/links/20791)

[tantek], [schmarty] and lazcorp joined the channel
Loqi Ways to improve discovery on the IndieWebThe IndieWeb is slowly moving from innovation to rely adopter so it is time to start thinking about content discovery. After all, what’s the point of a game for two people if you are the only one at the table?One of the ways IndieWeb can... (https://lordmatt.co.uk/technology/the-internet/blogs-and-blogging/ways-to-improve-discovery-on-the-indieweb/)

barnaby joined the channel