#stream 2024-02-11

2024-02-11 UTC
Testing Bridgy publishing, crossposting and all that #indieweb #fediverse goodness with this post. (Does Bridgy support “+” tagging @snarfed.org?) https://starrwulfe.xyz/t/1t4q #bluesky #fediverse #Indieweb #test (https://starrwulfe.xyz/2024/02/407090/)
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
[social.lol/@bixfrankonis] All this sudden attention to the fact that social media replies (loosely defined as #Webmentions) to your blog posts are likely coming from people who have utterly no clue that they are also being published on your blogs, where were you last month when the push from some of the... (https://social.lol/@bixfrankonis/111910563447793706)
[herestomwiththeweather.com] When a person is already logged into a mastodon instance, if they visit some pages on their instance associated with a user from another server, they are not redirected to the remote server because it is easier to interact with the remote user with their existing local session. ... (https://herestomwiththeweather.com/2024/02/10/phishing-mitigation-for-mastodon.social/)
[mastodon.social/@inautilo] “When people say ‘RSS is dead’ what they really mean is ‘we couldn’t figure out a way to monetize RSS.’” — Jeremy Keith _____ #Business #Monetization #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #Website #Blog #Content #Newsfeed #RSS (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/111911103464194749)
No we literally mean the spec is a dead end, it stopped evolving to meet new user needs
angelo_ joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@ricmac] Adding comments / Webmentions to Cybercultural is on my to-do list, but seems like some in the 11ty community are thinking about ditching them. I personally like the implementation in Robb’s site (check his blog to see), and it’s a great discovery mechanism for readers —... (https://mastodon.social/@ricmac/111912287415321239)
[tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter] If you liked Artificial Divide Buzz my feed URL is https://robertkingett.com/feed/ #RSS #IndieWeb #SmallWeb (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/111912317147719981)
tech1, [KevinMarks], [campegg] and [Murray] joined the channel
[mastodon.cc/@jgarber] Dipping my toe into The #IndieWeb Discourse…... (https://mastodon.cc/@jgarber/111913577610693421)
[mastodon.online/@shaedrich] Just started a new coding project. Stay tuned … #amProgramming #amCoding #amWriting #WritingCommunity #FLOSS #FOSS #OSS #IndieWeb #Fediverse #MastodonWritingChallenges #ZuriCode (https://mastodon.online/@shaedrich/111913705955118179)
[mastodon.cc/@jgarber] A related #IndieWeb and #Webmention riff: Add #IndieAuth to your website and allow others to sign in. They’d be able to view a dashboard of the content they’d posted that made its way onto your website. Maybe add some lightweight self-service moderation controls? (https://mastodon.cc/@jgarber/111913678407724736)
[mastodon.cc/@jgarber] Another #IndieWeb brain fart: Your blogroll is a list of Vouch candidates for your #Webmention-sending code. https://indieweb.org/Vouch (https://mastodon.cc/@jgarber/111913745607088047)
[social.lol/@mikehaynes] I made a new thing. It's like a now page on steroids. #IndieWeb https://mikehaynes.me (https://social.lol/@mikehaynes/111914054584590122)
[m] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@EmilyMoranBarwick] @robb Me: greatly appreciating this thoughtful discourse on #IndieWeb privacy considerations Also Me: relieved to maybe have a reason* to remove at least one technical roadblock to ever making my #PersonalWebsite *other than my complete & utter ineptitude 🙃 @jefklak (https://mastodon.social/@EmilyMoranBarwick/111914141079009525)
[catgirlinspace] joined the channel
[m.chronosaur.us/@karen] So I joined the #indieweb IRC channel and GOD why does it take so damn long for me to get used to using #IRC whenever I use it? I can never remember commands even though I was using this stuff for YEARS back in the day. And I always feel like such a newbie when I get on IRC.... (https://m.chronosaur.us/@karen/111914498080416173)
[mastodon.online/@shaedrich] Here's a little "mockup" of the overview page for #MastodonWritingChallenges #amProgramming #amCoding #amWriting #WritingCommunity #FLOSS #FOSS #OSS #IndieWeb #Fediverse #ZuriCode (https://mastodon.online/@shaedrich/111914489391520005)
[snarfed] joined the channel
[mastodon.online/@shaedrich] This would be a few settings, you could configure. It would be all stored locally in your browser and would never leave your computer... (https://mastodon.online/@shaedrich/111914675614482242)
[mastodon.online/@shaedrich] Left: With "base instance" setting filled (using https://mastodon.online/share directly)... (https://mastodon.online/@shaedrich/111914839313006933)
[mastodon.online/@shaedrich] Here's a rough overview about toots to a certain day's or month's challenge or prompt:... (https://mastodon.online/@shaedrich/111915198294145071)
[prettygoodhat.com] Out and about in indie-blogging this week, the always interesting (check the keyboard posts!) bsag is experimenting with webmentions, and has a method of caching mentions locally that takes me way back to my own first implementation. Indieweb rules! (https://prettygoodhat.com/note/1707674191/)
[tantek] joined the channel