#stream 2024-02-27

2024-02-27 UTC
[Joao_Paulo_Pes] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@inautilo] #Design #Launches Dead Simple Sites · Minimalist websites and blogs for your inspiration https://ilo.im/15y395 _____ #Collection #Minimalism #Simplicity #UxDesign #UiDesign #WebDesign #IndieWeb #Website #Blog #Content (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/112000756787533467)
to2ds and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] Buffer continues to lead by example: extraordinarily transparent and willing to share information about its ups and downs. I wish more startups (and founders) would think this way.... (https://werd.io/2024/buffers-2023-annual-shareholder-letter)
Blueberry_Eating and gRegor joined the channel
[lounge.town/@nathanu] I updated my blog! It now has comments via Mastodon, fluid type and spacing, and uses two very nice variable typefaces. https://nathanupchurch.com/blog/up-to-my-eyeballs/ #eleventy #11ty #blog #personalblog #indieweb (https://lounge.town/@nathanu/112001639227268153)
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[techhub.social/@alabut] I made a short list of music inspiration for busywork, thanks to some #IndieWeb buddies. I was doing dishes while listening to hard German techno (as you do) and pinged the Slack to see what others find motivating.... (https://techhub.social/@alabut/112001937153800677)
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[masto.futbol/@oldschooldev] it has been always my philosophy that using the „free“ tier of services like netlify (or centralise the content after doing so with the code at github) isn’t really #indieweb. https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/1b14bty/netlify_just_sent_me_a_104k_bill_for_a_simple/ (https://masto.futbol/@oldschooldev/112002375481310657)
Oh jeez, that’s like my worst nightmare. I might have to migrate to Cloudflare just to sleep better at night.
gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
what is Netlify?
Netlify is a CDN/static hosting provider with integrated build service, useful for static site generators https://indieweb.org/netlify
[mastodon.social/@lars] Now we know the answer to when people say "idk how but this site is hosted for FREE by Netlify" or some such.... (https://mastodon.social/@lars/112002531907785063)
[piaille.fr/@TachesDeThe] Suite à l’épisode sur la séparation du web, Daoro et Mayeu présentent un petit florilège de liens et pratiques qui rappellent le Web 1.0 https://taches-de-the.fm/episode-43/fourretout-de-web/ #newsletters #blogs #openWeb #indieWeb #podcast #podcastfrancais (https://piaille.fr/@TachesDeThe/112002823616787478)
[Murray] and to2ds joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@gurupanguji] 🔗 A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden • Maggie #web #indieweb #digitalgarden #articles https://gurupanguji.com/2024/02/27/%f0%9f%94%97-a-brief-history-ethos-of-the-digital-garden-maggie/ (https://mastodon.social/@gurupanguji/112003570446471094)
Maggie Appleton’s site is a special place and the work that resonates most with me is the post on The Digital Garden. I chanced across Maggie’s site following Alex Komoroske’s Be a Gardener, not a Builder and a search on Google led me to Maggie’s site.... (https://gurupanguji.com/2024/02/27/%f0%9f%94%97-a-brief-history-ethos-of-the-digital-garden-maggie/)
[lcs] joined the channel
[hachyderm.io/@facundoolano] I've been working on a little #personalwebsites generator with #orgmode support as a #golang learning project. I'll be using it to write a devlog over the next few weeks https://jorge.olano.dev/ #opensource #indieweb (https://hachyderm.io/@facundoolano/112003734238721436)
[mastodon.social/@bradenslen] Bookmarked: 100 things you can do on your personal website. Stumped for something to add to your website?  This may be the definitive list. #indieweb #doitwithhtml   Liked this post? Follow this blog to get more.  Source https://indieseek.xyz/2024/02/27/1226/ (https://mastodon.social/@bradenslen/112003763801139263)
[jamietanna], lazcorp and to2ds joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@lars] We keep on linking... (https://mastodon.social/@lars/112003828558838088)
Bookmarked: 100 things you can do on your personal website. Stumped for something to add to your website?  This may be the definitive list. #indieweb #doitwithhtml   Liked this post? Follow this blog to get more.  Source (https://indieseek.xyz/2024/02/27/1226/)
[mastodon.social/@bradenslen] Ideas for Your Personal Website | 32 Bit Cafe Another great list. #indieweb  #doitwithhtml   Liked this post? Follow this blog to get more.  Source https://indieseek.xyz/2024/02/27/1228/ (https://mastodon.social/@bradenslen/112003931309769366)
Ideas for Your Personal Website | 32 Bit Cafe Another great list. #indieweb  #doitwithhtml   Liked this post? Follow this blog to get more.  Source (https://indieseek.xyz/2024/02/27/1228/)
[mstdn.jp/@nejimaki] Webmentionって普及すれば面白そうではあったけど結局どうなんだろう。 https://indieweb.org/Webmention #インディーウェブ #indieweb #webmention (https://mstdn.jp/@nejimaki/112003937782790959)
[hachyderm.io/@jeffsheets] Tech Blogs are journalism in the purest sense of filling-a-gap in the lack of a larger journalistic presence in the deeply technical space, and I think that's a big reason why we're nostalgic for their return to the forefront #indieweb #tech #dev (https://hachyderm.io/@jeffsheets/112004054043644923)
[indieweb.social/@meadowhawk] I spent the past week working on porting my blog to self-hosted adding #indieweb features and writing some new apps for fun. Programming for fun reminds me how much I used to love this and made it my job! ... (https://indieweb.social/@meadowhawk/112004147604818891)
[tenforward.social/@noracodes] A quick note about including full post content in Hugo-generated RSS feeds https://nora.codes/post/adding-full-post-content-to-my-rss-feed/ #web #rss #posse #indieweb (https://tenforward.social/@noracodes/112004256428125714)
[paulrobertlloyd.com] IndieWebCamp Brighton is so close I can almost taste it. A handful of tickets remain, so grab yours today! (https://paulrobertlloyd.com/2024/058/p1/)
[islandinthenet.com] Despite the promise of increased interactivity and web integration, the IndieWeb plugins have limited adoption, compatibility issues with WordPress themes, and social platform sharing. After removing all the IndieWeb plugins in 2020, over the last few years I found myself... (https://islandinthenet.com/removing-indieweb-plugins-again/)
[mas.to/@harriethw] was just about to cave on the whole DIY server #indieweb thing and use Netlify for a new project, as it was soo easy to use with DecapCMS - and then this news hits 😅 there's no cap on the free tier so you could rack up $1000s of fees ... (https://mas.to/@harriethw/112004562145800492)
gRegorLove__ and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[hachyderm.io/@reillypascal] Here's the latest post from my blog! I discuss making "composite" sounds using FFT spectra for part of a current composition project.... (https://hachyderm.io/@reillypascal/112004613846256066)
[schmarty] joined the channel
[paulrobertlloyd.com] IndieWebCamp Brighton is so close I can almost taste it. A handful of tickets remain, so grab yours today! (https://paulrobertlloyd.com/2024/058/p1/)
[indieweb.social/@grgml] New post: I've been updating my website recently, and here I put down some notes on what's new: https://grgml.xyz/blog/website-updates-bookmarks-status-and-more/ #11ty #indieweb #bridgy (https://indieweb.social/@grgml/112004715998729373)
gRegor joined the channel
[pkm.social/@pd] @meadowhawk What #indieweb features are you going for? I’m currently fighting my RSS formatting. (https://pkm.social/@pd/112004791542310794)
[aciccarello], [jeremycherfas], [Murray], [tantek], IWSlackGateway, [schmarty], [Joao_Paulo_Pes], [KevinMarks], [Al_Abut] and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
some good feedback and issues to track in that post from https://islandinthenet.com/removing-indieweb-plugins-again/ cc: GWG
The issue to get access to jetpack syndication to show the link has been open on jetpack for years
Except the IndieWeb plugins are the ones blamed, so it's not helpful to imply that it is Jetpack that is at fault (whether through neglect or otherwise).
[Paul_Robert_Ll] and [qubyte] joined the channel
[dmv.community/@jcrabapple] Working for the weekend - Cool As Heck https://cool-as-heck.blog/posts/working-for-the-weekend #indieweb (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112005202800455584)
gRegorLove_ and gRegor joined the channel
I know. I just can't access the data, so I can't show it. I wish I could.
I'm mentioning this because I have no solution, and wish someone could offer one.
[tantek] joined the channel
GWG, that is pretty bad that JetPack does not store the resultant URL *somewhere* in your local WP database
JetPack has -1 karma over the last year
that's a centralizing pressure to be dependent on WP .com and frankly is a form of not owning your own data
a little surprised there hasn't been a community replacement for JetPack for the actual open source WordPress that does not depend on WP .com
[tantek]: Also a longstanding discussion.
that would be a worthy response to such issues
angelo joined the channel
[toot.cafe/@soapdog] So apparently #Automattic is about to sell user data to #openai according to this article:... (https://toot.cafe/@soapdog/112005683036112044)
Test2 joined the channel
[c.im/@jake4480] Yeah, you're really gonna see which companies are just gonna allow the AI to scrape all their stuff now. I'm a copyleft/creative commons kinda guy. But if you have art that you don't want stolen, the answer is simple.... (https://c.im/@jake4480/112005831186291865)
[Al_Abut], [capjamesg] and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel