#stream 2024-03-05
2024-03-05 UTC
Loqi [gregorlove.com] I watched a great video by Lauren Kim titled “I deleted all my social media and made a website” (runtime 26:55).... (https://gregorlove.com/2024/03/i-watched-a-great/)

barnaby joined the channel
Loqi [micro.anniegreens.lol] I am very jealous of everyone going to IndieWebCamp this week. I can’t wait to hear about it. (https://micro.anniegreens.lol/2024/03/04/i-am-very.html)

[tantek], IWSlackGateway, [Murray]1, [snarfed]1, [schmarty]1, [tantek]1, [jeremycherfas]1, [aaronpk]1, [Al_Abut]1, [kimberlyhirsh]1, [lcs]1, [dominik]1 and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
Loqi [tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter] Reminder that I write about a lot of stuff, blindness, life stuff, my author news. I never stick to 1 topic so if you wanna follow, my RSS feed is https://robertkingett.com/feed/ #RSS #Blog #IndieWeb (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/112040977447262377)

Loqi [tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter] Found 2 fantastic #RSS tools.... (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/112040975394469711)

[aciccarello] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.social/@henrikjernevad] My personal website and blog is my place on the Internet, where I get to write what and how I want. Perhaps you should have one too?
#indieweb #personalwebsite #internet #socialmedia (https://mastodon.social/@henrikjernevad/112041661050404355)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@inautilo] #Business #Pitfalls
The wax and the wane of the web · When you think you’ve nailed the web, it evolves https://ilo.im/15y4iw
#Design #WebDesign #Evolution #WebTechnology #WebStandard #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #Development #WebDev (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/112042193889020728)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@johnpeart] 🗒️ Now.
I’m still on my adventures in the IndieWeb. Basically every day now I’m finding new ideas. The latest is the “Now” page…
#indieweb #now
https://www.johnpe.art/note/1709629560/ (https://mastodon.social/@johnpeart/112042316940064238)

[Ana_R], [qubyte], [Tilley], [lcs], [KevinMarks], [Paul_Robert_Ll] and [dominik] joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.social/@inautilo] #Development #Launches
Monitor certificate expiry via RSS · TLS certificate expiration notifications without signup https://ilo.im/15y3j0
#Website #Blog #Monitoring #HTTPS #TLS #Certificate #RSS #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #WebDev (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/112043978996430693)

[Murray] and [Joao_Paulo_Pes] joined the channel
Loqi [manton.org] Another good monthly summary from The Fediverse Report. There was a lot going on last month with Bluesky. (https://www.manton.org/2024/03/05/another-good-monthly.html)

[campegg], [Doc_Pop] and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Loqi Sunday Paper – Brid.gy, ActivityPub and AT on Island in the Net by Khürt Williams... (https://starrwulfe.xyz/2024/03/sunday-paper-by-khurt-williams/)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@developerjustin] Me in the back of the car with my two year old, pushing my 20th hour in the car in two days, obsessively checking the #ProjectTapestry kickstarter while trying not to throw up.... (https://mastodon.social/@developerjustin/112044898087316950)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@developerjustin] Are we about to hit ANOTHER stretch goal? I’ll say it again: Our friends at @Iconfactory are less than $2,000 from reaching their SECOND stretch goal in the final hours of their #kickstarter! Boost and share and let’s push them over the line today to get the next great... (https://mastodon.social/@developerjustin/112044810026201585)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@developerjustin] This is my Super Bowl. @Iconfactory
vs The Clock
#ProjectTapestry #RSS #ActivityPub #IndieWeb #OpenWeb #ProjectTapestry #apple #mastodon #iOS #swift
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/iconfactory/project-tapestry (https://mastodon.social/@developerjustin/112044952232172441)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@developerjustin] #ProjectTapestry #RSS #ActivityPub #IndieWeb #OpenWeb #ProjectTapestry #apple #mastodon #iOS #swift
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/iconfactory/project-tapestry (https://mastodon.social/@developerjustin/112044988744108037)

aaronpk "What if you had one app that gave an overview of nearly everything that was happening across all the different services you follow? A single chronological timeline of your most important social media services, RSS feeds, and other sources. All of the updates together in one place, in the order they’re posted, with no algorithm deciding what you should see or when you should see it."

aaronpk found this on one of the creator's blogs so at least they are blogging :) https://furbo.org/2024/03/03/tapestry-what-about/

angelo joined the channel
Loqi [mastodon.social/@rjomara] The building continues. You all have provided some outstanding examples of what a homepage can become!
#Indieweb #blog (https://mastodon.social/@rjomara/112045280681880392)

Loqi [mastodon.social/@mindcreatesmeaning] Melancholia At Project’s End
#autonomyplatform #career #emotionalhealth #indiedev #indieweb #insight #introspection #mentalhealth #personalgrowth #selfcare #solodev #wellbeing
https://mindcreatesmeaning.com/melancholia-at-projects-end-2/ (https://mastodon.social/@mindcreatesmeaning/112045574546790250)