#stream 2024-03-21

2024-03-21 UTC
[tantek] and [benatwork] joined the channel
[social.coop/@eb] People in the #indieweb webring who break it by not including the links are my actual pet peeves. Like you exhibit no restraint and you take and you take and you keep winning anyway (https://social.coop/@eb/112131777763689815)
Oh dear
[contact898] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@mindcreatesmeaning] Mastodon ‘Ad for the No Ad Platform’ – Grab it. Share it. #activitypub #community #culture #fediverse #indieweb #letstrycivility #mastodon #mentalhealth #pixelfed #socialmedia #society https://mindcreatesmeaning.com/mastodon-ad-for-the-no-ad-platform-grab-it-share-it/ (https://mastodon.social/@mindcreatesmeaning/112132927408391309)
“Social connection without the ads.” Corporate social media has marketing. The Fediverse has us. Download this promo as GIF, MP4, or JPG and share it with your world. This content is for Subscriber members only.... (https://mindcreatesmeaning.com/mastodon-ad-for-the-no-ad-platform-grab-it-share-it/)
lazcorp joined the channel
[dominik] joined the channel
[notiz.blog/author/matthias-pfefferle/] Ich war am Wochenende auf dem CloudFest Hackathon und hatte zum zweiten Mal die Change ein Projekt zu betreuen. Die Idee zu „Enable Mastodon Apps“ stammt von @alex und ich freue mich sehr, dass er mir sein „Baby“ für den Hackathon anvertraut hat!... (https://notiz.blog/2024/03/21/enable-mastodon-apps/)
lazcorp great article, except at the very end, after all that fiery indie rhetoric, a Linktree link? 😂
Like that's one of the easiest things to build yourself
I have made a simple tool for "integrating" #GeminiProtocol capsule gemlogs (blogs) into the #Fediverse using #WriteFreely. It is called gemfreely, and written in #Rust. It primarily does one way sync from Gemini -> WriteFreely. The next major step is to implement a comments sync... (https://social.agnos.is/notes/9r4xdprothzl005o)
Hey another bridge
[Joe_Crawford] and [schmarty] joined the channel
bridge has 1 karma over the last year
[mas.to/@kekavigi] Yeay, akhirnya kesampaian juga. Sekarang (seharusnya) situs saya (https://kekavigi.xyz) akan menampilkan pemberitahuan kalau pengunjung tidak memasang/mengaktifkan adblocker mereka. Terima kasih kepada Stefan Bohacek... (https://mas.to/@kekavigi/112134322384999507)
gRegor and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@fromjason] And before the libertarian tech bros jump into the comments and say "just delete instagram," let me say that it's not always that easy. ... (https://mastodon.social/@fromjason/112135108552988311)
I mean it's true, capitalism and maximizing profit "number go up" depend on redirecting all energy/time/money resources spent on dissent toward consumption instead
[manton.org] Threads is enabling more of their fediverse support today. To be clear, you can follow Threads accounts from Mastodon or Micro.blog, but you can’t follow those external platforms from within Threads. According to Meta’s blog post, getting outside content into Threads is an... (https://www.manton.org/2024/03/21/threads-is-enabling.html)
yes [manton] this is consistent with the step by step roadmap they laid out
gRegor, [snarfed] and [manton] joined the channel
Yep. I think this phased rollout is confusing for folks who haven’t been following it closely. It feels a little broken if both “sides” of federation aren’t added at the same time.
agreed, however I think Meta/FB are making the right tough choice there of balancing that "awkwardness" / "little broken" vs being cautious with changes that could impact existing servers (unintentionally take them down), studying the impacts of their incremental change(s), and when it seems things seem like they're working well, adding the next incremental change
Also reduced incremental feature surface = reduced surface for bugs, security problems etc.
Yeah, I don’t disagree necessarily. They are being very deliberate about it which I appreciate. Maybe it would help if they had a simple page with phase 1, 2, 3 and what to expect.
they had that in their slide deck at the data dialogues event (it's in my notes), and I'm not sure if anyone there blogged it in that fashion "a simple page with phase 1, 2, 3 and what to expect"
what are data dialogues
Data Dialogues (AKA Data Dialogue Series) are three hour interactive and interdisciplinary workshops hosted by Meta Platforms, focused on privacy challenges in rapidly evolving product areas, such as Threads and ActivityPub https://indieweb.org/Data_Dialogues
[manton] here you go: http://plasticbag.org/archives/2024/01/how-threads-will-integrate-with-the-fediverse/ scroll down to "Product and the Roadmap"
looks like Threads has completed their Dec 2023 milestone
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] "We’re taking a phased approach to Threads’ fediverse integration to ensure we can continue to build responsibly and get valuable feedback from our users and the fediverse community." ... (https://werd.io/2024/threads-has-entered-the-fediverse)