#stream 2024-04-15
2024-04-15 UTC
claudinec_away, barnaby and squish joined the channel
Loqi [social.lol/@cory] 🔗: Small Web, Indie Web #Tech #Blogging #IndieWeb #SmallWeb https://scottwillsey.com/small-web/ (https://social.lol/@cory/112272570126956094)

Loqi [tantek.com] Last week I participated @W3.org (@w3c@w3c.social) #W3CAC (W3C Advisory Committee¹), #W3CAB (W3C Advisory Board² @ab@w3c.social), and #W3CBoard (Board of the W3C Corporation³) meetings in Hiroshima, Japan.... (http://tantek.com/2024/105/t1/w3c-advisory-committee-meetings)

Loqi Last week I participated @W3.org (@w3c@w3c.social) #w3cAC (W3C Advisory Committee¹), #w3cAB (W3C Advisory Board² @ab@w3c.social), and #w3cBoard (Board of the W3C Corporation³) meetings in Hiroshima, Japan.... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://tantek.com/2024/105/t1/w3c-advisory-committee-meetings)

Loqi I wonder if anyone has tested this #PullRequest yet that adds #Micropub support to #Misskey? I kinda don't want this PR to get forcefully discarded because of too many merge conflicts with upstream... ... (https://makai.chaotic.ninja/notes/9s43f5vb6z)

[Jo], [qubyte], [campegg], [Joe_Crawford], to2ds and [Ros] joined the channel
Loqi [dmv.community/@jcrabapple] Finally, A Weekend We've Been Waiting For
#indieweb (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112276007258440068)

to2ds, [contact898], [snarfed], [jeremycherfas] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Loqi [thoresson.social/@anders] An observation: What started as a list with #11ty-related account I follow here is slowly transforming into an #indieweb/ #SmallWeb list. Not surprisingly perhaps that there is a huge overlap between the two communities. (https://thoresson.social/@anders/112276516034461979)

Loqi [fosstodon.org/@brianb] I kind of miss having a search option on my blog.
#100DaysToOffload #indieweb (https://fosstodon.org/@brianb/112276602574167651)

Loqi [xoxo.zone/@artlung] Front End Study Hall next Wednesday. Zoom open format HTML+CSS #IndieWeb. https://artlung.com/blog/2024/04/15/front-end-study-hall/ #IndieWeb (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/112276558214913184)

gRegor and to2ds joined the channel
Loqi [fosstodon.org/@Zeronaut] Just posted a new article on my blog called Joyous Jazz about Trying a new jazz club and sharing the joy of music with my partner
#GoHugo #indieweb #Blog
https://allisthewave.com/posts/2024-04-09-joyous-jazz/ (https://fosstodon.org/@Zeronaut/112276908120556870)

to2ds, [benatwork] and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
Loqi [dmv.community/@jcrabapple] Scribbles Categories
#indieweb (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112277706477163571)