LoqiThis is my third attempt, on a third different domain, at establishing a personal website. I think the reason I usually abandon websites is that I get too bogged down in the technical details, most of it stemming from trying to be as “IndieWeb” as possible. This time, I’m... (https://www.jrdnzr.xyz/2024/04/23/third-times-a-charm/)
_dissolve22[d], [tantek], [Al_Abut], [Joe_Crawford], [Jan_Tuomi], [schmarty], IWSlackGateway, [campegg], [qubyte], [aciccarello], [snarfed], [marksuth], [KevinMarks], dissolve22[d], [Murray], barnabywalters and [contact898] joined the channel
Loqi[thoresson.social/@anders] What #RSS feeds do you think I should add to my reader for great texts about #AI (from the technological vantagepoint), #AI and #Democracy / #Society, #Indieweb, and #GTD / #PKM? (https://thoresson.social/@anders/112326382709371176)
Loqi[social.lol/@mrbatsu] "I see EchoFeed as (to merge my own words with Kev's) a no-hassle cross-poster for the IndieWeb. For independent writers to syndicate their posts to social networks. EchoFeed is the (second) S in POSSE."... (https://social.lol/@mrbatsu/112328270621538932)