#stream 2024-04-26

2024-04-26 UTC
[tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter] Royalty statement 2023 https://robertkingett.com/posts/6540/ #NoPaywall #Blog #Blogs #IndieWeb #SmallWeb (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/112334937834135281)
evert1, barnabywalters, barnaby and starrwulfe joined the channel
[notiz.blog/author/matthias-pfefferle/] Dave Winer (@davew) stellt (sich) auf seinem Blog und auf Mastodon die Frage:... (https://notiz.blog/2024/04/26/activitypub-the-evolution-of-rss/)
barnaby, [Jan_Tuomi], Gaspartame, Yami, [manton], [asuh], gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[dice.camp/@rolerunner] I'm reading a lot about #ActivityPub, #indieweb and the #fediverse at the moment. I don't necessarily understand all of it, but it's cool. As a complete noob to this kind of thing, do you think it's worth me investing time into learning about servers, hosting, syndication, coding... (https://dice.camp/@rolerunner/112338346695389904)
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[adactio.com] Podcast AP Here’s a handy service that allows you to follow a Mastodon account that updates when a new podcast episode is released from any podcast you like. (https://adactio.com/links/21071)
[mastodon.art/@ratfactor] So this is new (to me). Gmail now marks outgoing links to "unknown" domains as "suspicious" and "might be harmful".... (https://mastodon.art/@ratfactor/112338578818362048)
[pfefferle], [contact898], [qubyte], barnaby and [aciccarello] joined the channel