#stream 2024-05-24

2024-05-24 UTC
barnaby, windiebb and pixelglade joined the channel
[@ttntm] Wanted: websites with curated collections of bookmarks/links to other websites that are titled anything starting with the letters "W", "X" or "Z".... (https://fosstodon.org/@ttntm/112495289197147070)
[@sundeck] This week on Fern River Club, Lena & Nora meet up on a quiet weekday morning for a sauna at the Wellness Center.... (https://mastodon.art/@sundeck/112495510860501585)
[@3AM] TWs i really think people often forget to mention, but really needed:... (https://ohai.social/@3AM/112495678938678935)
claudinec joined the channel
^ it's not a bad post, yet not really particular to its hashtags
IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], [Ros], [aciccarello], [capjamesg], [jamietanna], [snarfed], [Ana_R] and dz4k joined the channel
[@JanMiksovsky] To demonstrate that Origami is a good language for building #smallweb / #indieweb blogs, I built a fun sample site reenvisioning Henry David Thoreau has a modern influencer with a lifestyle blog about off-grid living. #BuildInPublic https://pondlife.netlify.app... (https://fosstodon.org/@JanMiksovsky/112496777922772500)
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[@mikael] Does anybody know of a nice lil flat-file PHP guestbook script? #indieweb (https://merveilles.town/@mikael/112496945741949005)
gRegor joined the channel
人工知能のコンテンツを表示しない検索... (https://nejimaki-radio.com/udm14-ai-search-google-website/)
[Jo], [tantek] and [capjamesg] joined the channel
[@mauro] I neglect my personal website too much!! This is gonna change soon (tm). In the meantime very overdue Now update: https://blog.mauromotion.com/now/ #indieWeb #blogging #blog (https://mograph.social/@mauro/112497243483045882)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[@jcrabapple] After a few days of exploring and tinkering with a couple different static site generators, I've decided to go with #Hugo. It's hosted on Github Pages. I'm in the process of moving old posts from Scribbles over there. It's pretty bare bones for now but I'll be learning,... (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112497366284418053)
[@mikael] Does anybody know of a nice lil flat-file #PHP guestbook script? #indieweb #smallweb #smolweb #lowtech (https://merveilles.town/@mikael/112497399057937688)
IWDiscord, pcarrier[d], the_kovah[d], erscheinung[d], momuslim[d], gremblo_gremblo[, mauromotion[d], marmadilemanteat, hidjy[d], capjamesg[d] and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] "When it comes to my muses, they can strike in any place at any time."... (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/112497633802507465)
barnaby and [snarfed] joined the channel
[@mms] How should #rss handle expanded, modified and rewritten content? With blog focus, it’s rare than update is worthwhile. You just write a new version, add a link in the old page and voila. But I don’t want this. I wa t to publish longer pieces, chapter by chapter. Or is the... (https://emacs.ch/@mms/112498010725212194)
[Ros], pcarrier, [KevinMarks] and barnaby joined the channel