Loqi[@kraft] I'm playing with posting on my site and using Jetpack to x-post to Mastodon. With Social's social note CPT and choosing the "share as social post" seems to be a good fit. The code is could be used as a wp.me/[code] short link to the original, but not as a link that would expand... (https://religious.social/@kraft/112552360769520472)
Loqi[werd.io/profile/benwerd] Over the weekend, I started to notice a bunch of artists moving to Cara, a social network for artists founded by Jingna Zhang, herself an accomplished photographer.... (https://werd.io/2024/protecting-artists-on-the-fediverse)
Loqi[@markstos] Long ago there was a niche browser for Linux called Konqueror. The code base for the rendering engine was clean, light, and crucially, #opensource When Apple creating their own browser, Safari, they use this engine. In turn, Google based Chrome on the evolution of this work.... (https://urbanists.social/@markstos/112554454625048368)