#stream 2024-06-05

2024-06-05 UTC
to2ds joined the channel
[@operationpuppet] Taking some personal days to re-evaluate stuff and think about the future of Operation: Puppet. ... (https://mastodon.content.town/@operationpuppet/112561145021819011)
[snarfed] joined the channel
[@levlaz] this blog looks like it was made with Oracle Application Express and I'm here for it. #indieweb https://neil.computer/ (https://hachyderm.io/@levlaz/112562203972735573)
hah that's a great retro look indeed
gRegorLove_, gRegor, [Murray], barnabywalters and [benatwork] joined the channel
[@jcrabapple] I updated my #junited2024 post with "I'm Not Anti-AI" by @mihobu . https://mihobu.lol/2024/06/im-not-anti-ai https://cool-as-heck.blog/posts/2024-06-04-junited_2024/ #indieweb #blogging (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112564622266460934)
barnaby joined the channel
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] Purely hypothetically, I wonder what it would take to raise enough money to build another first-class fediverse platform for the mass market.... (https://werd.io/2024/building-another-big-fediverse-platform)
building it is only 10% (maybe 1%) of the cost, sustainably maintaining it over time is the real challenge. plenty of things (including fedi things) get built and abandoned [benatwork]
[@capjamesg] Brainstorming an indie web blog search engine https://jamesg.blog/2024/06/05/indieweb-search-brainstorming/ #blogging #web #indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@capjamesg/112564719911210976)
barnaby and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
[@jalict] Well Caffeinated, and simple blasted through the bicycle tour today with friend of mine. ... (https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@jalict/112565012443716301)
[@toddztoonz] "Unskippable Ads" - They're really nothing new, TV has them, but as another corporate platform begins testing them, one has to think, "Why don't I have my own IndieWeb presence as a home base and then just POSSE to these other platforms?" 🤔️😄️... (https://social.lol/@toddztoonz/112565196598565311)
[@toddztoonz] "Unskippable Ads" - They're really nothing new, TV has them, but as another corporate platform begins testing them, one has to think, "Why don't I have my own IndieWeb presence as a home base and then just POSSE to these other platforms?" 🤔️... (https://social.lol/@toddztoonz/112565237736464285)
[lcs] joined the channel
An In-Depth Tutorial of Webmentions + Eleventy "Join the Indie Web by adding Webmentions to your serverless Eleventy static site with this step-by-step tutorial. No client-side JavaScript needed!" (https://tomcasavant.glitch.me/m/1e68365a28ede4b197191a5c868b4f9c)
[@islekcaganmert] Today's project: A python module that fetches user profile and before fetching, it decides is a handler is of TheProtocols, email address, website, or ActivityPub. I plan to add feed and interaction support too.... (https://pebble.social/@islekcaganmert/112565584943827658)
afrodidact, gRegorLove_ and [Jo] joined the channel
[@schalkneethling] Starting to put together my blog and decided to do it one layer of the web at a time. Starting with just the HTML, then CSS, and finally JavaScript as needed. #progressiveenhancement #indieweb (https://hachyderm.io/@schalkneethling/112566182471297224)
schalkneethling has 1 karma over the last year
barnaby joined the channel
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] "An important step toward a more interoperable “fediverse” — the broader network of decentralized social media apps like Mastodon, Bluesky and others — has been achieved."Bridgy has always been a useful product; Bridgy Fed is an easy way for folks on the fediverse and on... (https://werd.io/2024/bluesky-and-mastodon-users-can-now-talk-to-each-other)
[@artlung] Tomorrow: Front End Study Hall 4! #IndieWeb event where we explore, experiment, hash out, and puzzle over #HTML and #CSS. Bring your curiosity and creations. ... (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/112566325689189510)
barnabywalters joined the channel