#stream 2024-06-28

2024-06-28 UTC
[0x3b0b] and barnaby joined the channel
[@capjamesg] My new blog theme is live 🎉 https://jamesg.blog #blogging #webdesign #indieweb #web (https://indieweb.social/@capjamesg/112693631071687627)
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[@capjamesg] New blog post: Building technology to do the boring work for me https://jamesg.blog/2024/06/28/technology-should-do-the-boring-work/ #writing #blogging #technology #publishing #indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@capjamesg/112694040912678910)
to2ds joined the channel
thegr8whoopdini[, [Paul_Robert_Ll], [mattl] and to2ds joined the channel
[@diegopds] https://manualdousuario.net/internet-saudavel-tecnologias-livres/ #Fediverse #Fediverso #ActivityPub #SmallWeb #IndieWeb #SurfandoWeb #SlowWeb (https://bolha.us/@diegopds/112695441973313542)
gRegor joined the channel
[@gisiger] "With respect to content that is already on the open web, the social contract of that content since the 90s has been that it is fair use. Anyone can copy it, recreate with it, reproduce with it. That has been freeware, if you like. That's been the understanding." - #Microsoft CEO... (https://nerdculture.de/@gisiger/112695737795660200)
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] working on a blog post and I had to comb through my archive and found this #fediverse #indieweb This was the prototype of https://slides.com/jackyalcine-1/destination-the-fediverse (https://todon.eu/@jalcine/112695984955790574)
[@jalcine] I had (and have!) high hopes for the #fediverse and #indieweb (https://todon.eu/@jalcine/112696002108372239)
dissolve22[d] joined the channel
[@jalcine] Which #Fediverse or #IndieWeb app is adding this?! ... (https://todon.eu/@jalcine/112696344275365159)
only vaguely IndieWeb-related so I'm linkdropping here instead of another channel: if you consider your personal computer "mission critical" for your website: another example of why not to immediately install software updates: https://www.thestack.technology/crowdstrike-bug-maxes-out-100-of-cpu-requires-windows-reboots/
I'm not sure if this has been linked here already, but is relevant: https://indieweb.social/@oluOnline@social.gfsc.studio/112695250508823727
[preview] [Olu] is there an existing umbrella term for the following movements? #smallWeb or #smallTech, indie web, tiny internets, (new?) luddism from (new?) #luddites, #permacomputing, #solarpunk, low-tech, boring tech, computing within limits, disability-driven...
[qubyte] joined the channel