#stream 2024-06-30

2024-06-30 UTC
to2ds and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[@hamatti] Why invest into a personal site rather than just have a social media presence? @kevquirk shared his thoughts on the matter which inspired me to add my own on top. https://hamatti.org/posts/why-personal-site-rather-than-social-media-presence/ #IndieWeb #PersonalWeb #Blogging (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/112705184620327328)
[@hamatti] @kev Great thoughts! I added my two cents on top at https://hamatti.org/posts/why-personal-site-rather-than-social-media-presence/ #IndieWeb #PersonalWeb (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/112705179557693725)
[@hyperlinkyourheart] I caught #COVID in October last year and started watching a bunch of comfort movies and movies I watched as a kid to pass the time. I just finished a blog post about them, finally 😅 I think I might have COVID again so seemed like the right time to post it (this time I am... (https://mastodon.art/@hyperlinkyourheart/112705493379548529)
Es gibt wieder einen Webring! Ich tu ja alles, was dem Blog­gen hilft. Jetzt bin ich wie­der einem Web­ring beigetreten. https://kaffeeringe.de/2024/06/30/es-gibt-wieder-einen-webring/ #IndieWeb #ThomasGigold #Uberblogr #Webring (https://kaffeeringe.de/2024/06/30/es-gibt-wieder-einen-webring/)
to2ds and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[@carloshr] I like the #indieweb concept. I'll try to build my personal website under that philosophy. #nx (https://lile.cl/@carloshr/112707359329972929)
[snarfed] joined the channel
[@BlindiRL] My first monthly insights post on my blog! this will be a paid feature in the future so check it out! I'd love feedback on the format here so I can tune it to what interests people going forward. https://www.blindirl.com/mi-june-2024/ #contentcreation #indieweb #blog (https://mas.to/@BlindiRL/112707716430426069)
to2ds joined the channel