#stream 2024-07-06

2024-07-06 UTC
jimwins joined the channel
[tantek.com] Similar to its h-entry checking support (validator), IndieWebify should support ... (http://tantek.com/2024/187/b1/indiewebify-request-h-feed-validation)
jimwins joined the channel
[@jimw] Migrated from Discord to using a local install of https://thelounge.chat, we’ll see how that goes. Still in the same #PHP and #IndieWeb channels, just on the other side of the bridge now. (https://mefi.social/@jimw/112736697404036736)
Do we want to set up a Loqi / indieweb account on indieweb.social for Loqi to post the weekly newsletter links?
Lahusen1 and [Otto_Rask] joined the channel
It's interesting to see how divided people are about comments section in a blog. Any wants to reply of why you're for or against it, feel free. It's so I know what to include or not for my blog. #IndieWeb #Blogging RE: https://blahaj.zone/notes/9vcfeornwedq0sjn (https://blahaj.zone/notes/9vdj9q6iwedq0zwa)
claudinec joined the channel
[@inautilo] #Business #Explorations Should I remove this blog from Google Search? · To delist it, or not to delist it, that is the question https://ilo.im/15zaxe _____ #Google #SearchEngine #Visibility #SEO #AI #Website #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Ethics #Privacy (https://mastodon.social/@inautilo/112739451807347076)
I’m very busy and far from home this week (more on that later), but I have finally finished to convert my personal website from good old PHP to @astro ! Which means that it’s sitting on a better server and will be way easier to update going forward (no more drag and drop in... (https://hi.nighten.fr/objects/6af42f39-3532-4637-96aa-763538e4574d)
[schmarty] and StarrWulfe joined the channel
[@indieaisle] An alternative to complex and privacy invasive Google Analytics. With key 3 metrics: unique visitors, pages visited most, and where visitors came from. #indieweb #SmallWeb #webdev #website #design https://indieaisle.com/indieaisle/simple-stats/ (https://mastodon.social/@indieaisle/112741173273459828)
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] Would be it fun if indie web blogs have section of every post that is basically nonsense as AI poison contents? #AI #indieweb (https://fosstodon.org/@potatomeow/112741472306129327)